標題: 某半導體廠承攬商管理之廢棄物清運作業安全研究
Study on Safety Management of Contractor's Wastes Disposal Operation in the Semiconductor Foundry
作者: 葉嘉恒
關鍵字: 廢棄物清運;失誤模式與效應分析;半導體;waste removal and transportation;failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA);semiconductor
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 依據相關資料統計顯示,廢棄物清運人員屬危害性及職業災害傷亡率高族群,但相對其他勞工族群作業安全,清運人員作業安全卻是被忽略。半導體廠由於廢棄物種類多及清運頻率高,在作業流程上如有疏忽極易產生事故之風險並有可能造成環境汙染。目前廠區產出廢棄物皆由承攬方式委由外包廠商進行清運,為防止發生廢棄物清運事故,有必要透過危害評估方法探討作業潛在危害性,並採取有效的改善及安全管理以降低清運作業風險。 本研究以新竹某半導體廠廢棄物清運作業為主,從廢棄物清運廠商入廠至開始作業後結束離廠,探討可能發生風險的原因。首先針對廠區廢棄物種類及作業方式調查,之後施以「失誤模式與效應分析(FMEA)」進行各項作業的風險評估,將作業潛在風險進行等級管理,刪除無明顯危害或重複之原因後,針對高風險作業提出改善方法並持續追蹤改善效果,期許能有效降低作業風險,提高廢棄物清運人員作業安全。 以本研究結果顯示,廢棄物清運風險改善可從落實人員教育訓練、強化設備安全防護、定期檢查設備狀況、改善作業流程、加強作業管理五大方向進行改善;作業風險值由RPN 16降至RPN 5,廢棄物事故率統計由改善前平均每月0.3件事故降至改善後每月0件事故(資料統計至103年3月)。改善後作業仍需持續PDCA達到持續改善的目的,廢棄物作業安全的提昇,可降低事故發生的機率,提昇公司企業形象與社會責任。
Relevant statistics have shown that waste removal and transportation workers are a population that is highly subjected to danger and that has a high occupational accident casualty rate. However, compared to other workers, waste removal and transportation workers’ safety at work is often neglected. Particularly in semiconductor factories, waste takes numerous forms and requires frequent removal and transportation; therefore, any negligence during operating procedures easily produces risks of accidents and environmental pollution. Currently, waste removal and transportation tasks in factories are outsourced to contractors. To prevent accidents, potential job hazards must be assessed. Effective improvement approaches and safety management can subsequently be adopted to reduce the risks involved in waste removal and transportation. This study analyzed waste removal and transportation operations at a semiconductor factory in Hsinchu, Taiwan and investigated possible risk factors between the time the waste removal and transportation firm employees entered the factory and commenced work to the time that they left the factory. This study examined the types of waste and the work methods in the factory, and conducted failure mode and effects analysis to assess risks involved in the various operational procedures. Potential risks were ranked; factors that were not clearly harmful and those that were redundant were eliminated. Subsequently, approaches to improve high-risk waste removal and transportation operations were suggested, and the effects of implementation were monitored. This process was expected to effectively reduce enables operational risks and enhance the safety of waste removal and transportation workers. The research results indicated that the reduction of risks in waste removal and transportation operation should be pursued from five aspects: personnel educational training, facility security enhancement, regular facility examination, working procedure improvement, and the strengthening of operational management. Implementing the improvement approaches reduced the risk priority number from 16 to 5; the accident rate declined from an average of 0.3 accidents per month to 0 accidents per month (data collected until March 2014). Improving working procedures requires continual plan-do-check-acts. Reinforcing the safety of waste removal and transportation can reduce accident rates and enhance a companies’ and corporations’ images and commitment to social responsibility.
Appears in Collections:Thesis