標題: 面板產業經營策略探討-以台灣面板廠友達光電為例
Business strategy of panel industry—case of AUO company
作者: 曾雅菱
Tseng-Ya, Ling
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 面板;TFT-LCD;SWOT分析;五力分析;BCG (成長佔有率矩陣);TFT-LCD;Panel;Five forces analysis;SWOT;BCG Growth-Share Matrix
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 2000年初,台灣TFT-LCD(Thin Film Transistor _Liquid Crystal Display)面板產業在代工製造產業鏈、完整的半導體加持以及國家支持下,蓬勃發展。但2008年受全球景氣影響,市場需求驟減,產能供給遠大於需求,造成面板價格一路下滑,使廠家面臨鉅額虧損。 雖2013年台灣部分面板廠已開始轉虧為盈,但必須面對的事實是台灣面板出口持續繳出衰退的成績單。近年來,面對市場激烈的競爭,為了維持營運,面板廠家的思維也由原本的追求產能優勢,轉變為如何利用現有產能,優化產品組合。而如何控制成本,確保利潤空間將會是整個液晶面板產業鏈的一大考驗。 本研究並利用Porter (1990)的五力分析模型、Heinz Weihrich (1982) SWOT分析,以及Bruce Henderson於1970年為波士頓顧問公司所設計之成長佔有率矩陣(BCG Growth-Share Matrix),找出對營運具有影響的指標;探討台灣面板業者的競爭優勢及發展機會並替業者找出發展利基。
From 2000, Taiwan’s TFT-LCD industry has been developed prosperously, but in 2008 influence by the financial tsunami, all panel makers have been facing great loss. Some panel makers have been turn loss into gain in 2013, but Taiwan Panel exports is keeping decrease. In order to keep business, panel maker try to make their capacity more efficiently and products with competition.The most important is how to control cost and make profits. This thesis used the five forces analysis, SWOT and BCG Growth-Share Matrix as the basis. In addition, through the questionnaire survey with the experts which are in the TFT-LCD industry This main purpose of thesis is to discuss the competitive advantages of Taiwan’s TFT-LCD supply and find their best position
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