標題: 導入資料外洩防護系統關鍵影響因素之多重個案研究
Critical Factors Affecting the Implementation of data loss prevention system: A Multiple Case Study
作者: 洪彬益
Hung, Pin-I
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 資料外洩;關鍵成功因素;多重個案研究;科技-組織-環境架構;DLP;Data Loss Prevention;Critical Factors;Multiple Case Study;Technology-Organization-Environment Framework
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,電子商務以及社群媒體的興起,讓資訊的流通更加容易,但也使得傳遞管道變得複雜,導致企業難以控管及防護,造成了不少個人資料外洩的事件發生。而當台灣個資法通過後,如何保護重要個人或者客戶資料,在企業中變得相形重要,因此導入資料外洩防護系統開始受到重視,也是企業未來重要策略之一。 目前導入資料外洩防護系統在台灣仍是少數,所以本研究依據相關研究系統導入成功因素的文獻,並以科技-組織-環境架構為基礎,歸納出「組織」、「專案」、「科技」以及「環境」做為本研究主要架構,並透過多重個案研究法去了解影響導入資料外洩防護系統的關鍵因素,在兩家不同產業類型的本土公司進行個案研究,並以半結構方式深入訪談。而後進行訪談資料的內容分析與歸納,再根據各項證據內容,找出主要影響資料外洩防護系統導入的關鍵成功因素,提供給未來欲導入系統的企業參考。 本研究從二個不同個案,透過訪談系統導入專案相關成員,經資料分析後發現,在組織構面中高階主管支持、資源的取得、內部使用者的參與程度、對資訊政策的了解,是主要影響導入的關鍵成功因素,而專案構面和科技構面中,成員的專業知識、責任的分配、系統品質則是影響導入後系統產出結果是否符合預期效益,而環境構面中,產業相關法規、產業的競爭程度則是影響高階主管制定導入系統決策的積極度。
With the rapid development of information technology, e-commerce and the rise of social media, are making the flow of information much easier. However, the messaging channel is more complicated in such a situation. It caused a lot of personal data leakage incident and let the enterprises difficult to control and protection for personal data. When the Personal Information Protection Act of Taiwan passed, how to protect important personal or customer information in companies becomes a critical issue. Therefore implement the Data Loss Prevention system began to be one of the important strategic in information security technology. In the past, implement Data Loss Prevention system in Taiwan is not crucial in many enterprises. So this study bases on information system implement success model and Technology -Organization -Environment architecture to summarize the "Organization", "Project", "Technology" and "Environment" as the main framework of this study, and through multiple case study to understand the key success factors affecting implement Data Loss Prevention system. We use in-depth interviews for two companies which are in different industries. This study applies semi-structured interviews to collect data. Then we conduct the content analysis of interviews, and summarize the results to present the major critical success factors affecting implement Data Loss Prevention system.


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