標題: 混凝土業產銷分工之競爭力研究 以Y 公司為例
Competitiveness and marketing division of the Concrete Industry:A Case Study of Company Y
作者: 黃宗義
Huang, Chung-I
Chung, Hui-min
Liu, Zhu
關鍵字: 混凝土;供應鏈;競爭力;Concrete;supply chain;Competitiveness
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 混凝土是一個古老的行業,引進台灣已經有一段相當長的期間,隨著建築業的成 長與衰退循環,混凝土行業也隨之興盛與衰敗,對於這樣長一段的時間演進,小 廠紛紛消失,不是藉由規模擴大成為一個全國性的集團,甚至於進軍大陸,不然 就是被砂石公司或是水泥公司向前整合,成為供應鏈中的一員。 時代演進,管理技巧也在演進,目前藉由e 化全世界各產業都在資源整合,形成 為一條一條通應鏈的競爭。 所以,以產銷分工模式來經營混凝土這個產業也是一個非常好的選項之一,本研 究就是以產銷分工為研究變數,探討新竹地區混凝土公司藉由產銷分工的模式, 和上游進行垂直整合,增強競爭力。 藉由麥可波特對於產業競爭力的分析方式,分析產銷分工模式與產銷一條龍的公 司作為比較,對相關的主管做深度的訪談,分析其產銷分工對於五種作用力分別 的影響。 相望藉由此研究,對於混凝土產業的競爭力做一個分析,並探討產銷分工及供應 鏈的操作模式對於產業的貢獻,以期能夠對於混凝土產業有所貢獻,為混凝土產 業找出一條更具競爭優勢的方向。
Concrete is an old industry , the introduction of Taiwan has been quite a long period, with the construction cycle of growth and decline , the concrete industry has flourished along with the decline , the evolution of such a long period of time , small factories have disappeared, not by becoming a national scale group , and even to enter the mainland , or the company is to be gravel or cement company forward integration in the supply chain to become one . The evolution of the times , management skills are also evolving, currently the world by e- resource integration in all industries , formed as a one -pass chain competition. So, in order to run one marketing division of labor is also a very good option to concrete this industry , this research is to study the division of labor in production and marketing variables , investigate the Hsinchu area concrete company by sales division mode , and the upstream vertical integration , enhance competitiveness force . By Michael Porter for industrial competitiveness analysis methods to analyze patterns and stop production and sales and marketing division of the company as a comparison , the relevant competent to do depth interviews , analysis of the sales division for five kinds of forces were affected. This study by the sea , for the competitiveness of the industry to make a concrete analysis and discuss the division of marketing and supply chain operation model for the contribution of the industry in order to be able to contribute for the concrete industry , to find a more competitive for the concrete industry advantage direction
Appears in Collections:Thesis