標題: 鉛筆素描筆觸與畫紙紋路效應之自動合成
Automatic Generation of Pencil Sketching with the Effects of Paper Texture
作者: 陳紀丞
Chi-Cheng Chen
Cheng-Chung Lin
關鍵字: 非擬真顯像;素描;NPR;pencil sketching;LIC
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本篇論文研究目的在於自動化產生鉛筆素描筆觸效果圖,同時結合畫紙材質使產生之效應具有如繪圖紙面作畫的真實感,並減少人為參數的介入,讓使用者能更簡易的使用並且短時間得到效果滿意之鉛筆素描圖。本篇論文採用的方法概略分為五個階段。第一階段:根據灰階亮度曲線分層。第二階段:將輪廓偵測的結果以較暗的筆觸顯示並予強化效果。第三階段:根據分層的結果產生方向互異之筆觸。第四階段:將輪廓強化的效果圖與分層素描筆觸效果圖合成。第五階段:結合繪圖紙面紋路的效果並與輪廓偵測圖合成,構成一張具有鉛筆素描風格的圖片輸出。 此論文提出之優點在於改良一般市面商用繪圖軟體筆觸方向之單調性,讓產生之鉛筆素描圖具有如繪圖紙張般的凹凸紙面質感,並且省去了人工參數的設定。在經過各式各樣的圖片測試之後,與市面繪圖軟體和相關論文產生之結果的比較,其結果是可以讓人有更滿意的效果表現。
The thesis presents an approach to the automatic generation of pencil sketching with the effects of paper texture. The system, implemented in C++ and requiring only filename, height and width of the grey-level image as input parameters, shows visually satisfactory sketching when tested against images with a wide range of contents and subjects. When compared with other research works and Photoshop on a set of benchmarks, the system demonstrates its strength in the aspects of full automation(no user intervention required), stability of sketching quality and higher visual satisfaction, all achieved in a considerably shorter time. Technically the processes with the system deal with the following issues: (1) Histogram-based image subdivision into 4 layers(bright, grey, darker, darkest) (2) Revised LIC for pencil strokes synthesis on each layer, except for the bright layer. (3) Center-Off filtering for silhouettes generation. (4) Silhouettes enhancement. (5) Fusion of sketching strokes in different layers, silhouteets and enhanced parts, and paper texture. Which thus leads to the final outcomes.


  1. 764201.pdf

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