標題: 整合設計鏈與顧客鏈建構具創新力供應鏈影響因素之探討
A Study on Factors Affecting the Construction of an Innovative Supply Chain by Integrating Design Chain and Customer Chain
作者: 黃崑智
Huang, Kun-Chih
Sha, Yung-Jye
Liang, Gau-Rong
關鍵字: 設計鏈;顧客鏈;產品創新能力;企業流程再造;供應商管理制度;資料倉儲系統;彈性服務流程;結構方程模式;國際製造策略資料庫;design chain;customer chain;product innovation capability;business process reengineering;supplier management system;data warehousing system;flexible service workflow;SEM;IMSS-V
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 處於今日全球化高度競爭的市場環境下,製造商透過供應鏈管理整合上下游作業以建立全球競爭能力,已成為一種普世觀點;但隨著大多數製造商均可透過供應鏈具備同等競爭能力時,「產品創新能力」衍然成為勝出的新關鍵。然而,實務界發現僅透過傳統供應鏈中製造商與供應商的協同作業模式,對提升產品創新能力的幫助有限。究其原因,在於傳統供應鏈偏重於生產作業層面的協同管理,較少論及產品創新層面的協同管理議題;除此之外,產品創新亦有賴於顧客資訊的持續回饋,但傳統供應鏈管理並未建立與顧客端的直接接觸管道。近年來實務界與相關學者建議,於供應鏈中導入設計鏈與顧客鏈應可解決上述的問題,但迄今真正成功執行的案例廠商仍不多見。基於前述,本論文運用實證研究探討:(1).影響設計鏈與顧客鏈有效執行之關鍵因素;(2).整合設計鏈與顧客鏈之供應鏈運作模式對產品創新能力之影響。透過相關文獻整理,本研究提出「設計鏈整合模式」、「顧客鏈整合模式」以及「設計鏈與顧客鏈完全整合模式」等三項理論假設模型,並引用國際製造策略資料庫第五次調查(IMSS-V)樣本資料,分別進行簡單迴歸分析與結構方程模式分析驗證各項研究假說。研究結果顯示企業流程再造與供應商管理制度的建立、資料倉儲的建置與彈性服務流程的建置分別為影響設計鏈與顧客鏈有效執行的關鍵因素;同時,研究結果也證實製造商整合設計鏈與顧客鏈于供應鏈管理中對提升產品創新能力有顯著的正面效果。
Facing the current highly volatile global market, the industries have well accepted the concept of supply chain management (SCM) that integrating upstream and downstream to improve the competitiveness of products. However, product innovation capability would become critical when most of the competitors sit on equal SCM basis. It was found in the industries that traditional collaboration between manufacturer and supplier had limited help to the innovation of product. The short of product innovation in traditional supply chain may be explained by over-emphasis on manufacturing operation in the past and no direct link with customer to get continuous feedback regarding product. Although both the design chain and customer chain have been recently suggested to be integrated into traditional supply chain for improving product innovation capability by practitioners and scholars, very few successful cases are reported yet. This thesis used empirical study to find thoroughly regarding 1) key factors that may influence the effectiveness of design chain and customer chain to be integrated into traditional supply chain and 2) impact of the new integrated model upon the capability of product innovation. After reviewing related literatures, three constructs with hypotheses were proposed which are design chain integration model, customer chain integration model, and both design and chain integration model. The regression method and structural equation modeling (SEM) were employed for testing those hypotheses respectively by citing the 5th iteration random samples of International Manufacturing Strategy Survey (IMSS-V). The empirical results revealed that situations of business process reengineering and supplier management system, as well as, situations of data warehousing system and flexible service workflow, are the major factors that affecting design chain effectiveness and customer chain effectiveness respectively. In addition, the empirical results also confirmed that the successful execution of both design chain and customer chain will significantly affect the production innovation capability of manufacture firms.
Appears in Collections:Thesis