標題: 建構團隊績效模型:集體效能與參與式意義建構之中介效果和團隊內競爭之調節效果
Modeling Team Performance: Mediating Effects of Collective efficacy and Participatory sense making and Moderating Effects of Within-team competition
作者: 廖久慧
Liao, Chiu-Hui
Lin, Chieh-Peng
關鍵字: 團隊績效;決策品質;資源充足性;參與式意義建構;知識內化;集體效能;團隊內競爭;Team Performance;Team Decision Quality;Resource Adequacy;Participatory Sense Making;Knowledge Internalization;Collective Efficacy;Within-team Competition
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 近來越來越多企業以團隊方式經營,如何有效提升團隊績效一直是企業最重視的一環,本研究以知識螺旋理論與資源基礎理論為基礎,針對影響團隊績效之兩因子並了解如何透過中介與調節的方式之模型加以探討。本研究以金融保險業者之團隊為抽樣對象,共蒐集62組有效問卷來進行後續相關統計分析。 研究結果證實知識內化與資源充足性皆會正向影響集體效能與參與式意義建構,並且必須透過集體效能與參與式意義建構之中介效果來提高團隊決策品質,最後才能正向影響提升團隊績效。調節效果部分,研究證實團隊內競爭對集體效能和決策品質與決策品質對團隊績效負向調節效果不顯著。最後根據研究結果提供管理建議,期許本研究能帶給企業管理實務上些許貢獻。
Recently, more and more industry focuses on team management, so how to improve team performance is the most concerned issue for them. Based on knowledge spiral model and resource-based theory, we explore the factors affect decision quality, team performance and know the whole system how to operate in our research. We investigate employees in team form of banks and insurance companies, and finally we have collected 62 samples for analysis. According to the result, the mediating effects are all supported, and we found that knowledge internalization and resources adequacy both have positive impact on collective efficacy and participatory sense making. Furthermore, both knowledge internalization and resources adequacy can improve decision quality through the increases of collective efficacy and participatory sense making. In addition, the moderating hypothesis is partially supported; within-team competition can’t weaken the positive effect of collective efficacy on team decision quality, and the positive effect of team decision quality on team performance. Finally, based on the empirical findings, we expect to offer some practical contributions for industry in the future.