標題: ATP:基於瀏覽器的分散式測試服務平台
ATP: A Browser-based Distributed Testing Service Platform
作者: 陳弘育
Chen, Hung-Yu
Yuan, Shyan-Ming
關鍵字: 網路服務測試;測試即服務;瀏覽器;Web Service Testing;TaaS;Browser
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 「測試」是網路服務和系統等產品開發過程中不可或缺的重要環節,在給定的條件下對於產品進行各類的操作,用以鑑定產品的正確性、完整性、安全性、相容性、抗壓性和效能等,測試人員期待在測試的過程中盡可能地找出產品的錯誤並修正,以及評估產品是否滿足設計上的要求與客戶的需求。在現行之網路服務測試的研究與應用領域當中,測試人員可以利用單點測試工具(Single-Node Testing Tool)迅速地在單一測試節點或區域網路中部署簡易的測試環境,也可以利用雲端測試技術(Cloud Testing)部署較大規模的測試環境。但是現存的工具或方法各自存在著一些問題,以至於它們所提供的測試環境都不夠貼近真實使用情境,或難以真正地滿足測試人員對於節點分散性、資源控管和部署測試的難易等需求。本論文提出一個基於瀏覽器的網路服務測試平台,利用遍布全世界的瀏覽器作為測試節點以達到較佳的測試節點分散性;此平台能根據測試人員的需求提供可用於網路服務測試之測試節點,以及貼近真實世界與使用情境的測試環境,使測試結果更具有反應此網路服務使用者特性的準確度及可信度,同時幫助測試人員省下自行建置測試環境的時間。
In recent years, web services have become an indispensable part of our life. By use of personal computer, smart phone and wearable smart device, people can enjoy the convenience brought by these web services and use them to not only enrich our daily life but also solve life issues. Thus, to better realize the performance of a web service, it is necessary to perform an overall as well as credible web service testing. Among the areas of current research and application of web service testing, tester can use single-node testing tool to rapidly build a simple test environment on a single test node or LAN environment; tester can also take advantage of the cloud testing method to create large-scale test environment. However, these existing tools and methods consist of some problems so that the test environment is neither close enough to the real context of use nor able to meet tester’s requirement (test node dispersion, resource management and ease of deploying a test, etc.). In the present thesis, we identify three essential requirements for web service testing service (elastic test environment provisioning, large scale simulation capability and geographical test support) and propose a design of browser-based distributed testing service platform.
Appears in Collections:Thesis