Title: 中小企業應用策略性創新案例研究
A case study of strategic innovation adopted in small and medium-sized enterprises
Authors: 邱俊豪
Chiu, Chun-Hao
Chu, Po-Young
Keywords: 策略創新;中小企業;新產品開發;Strategy Innovation;SME;new product development
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 「策略管理」在任何EMBA學程中都是核心與必修課程,而「策略性創新」則是該課程的核心。「策略性創新」是指應用創新於公司的經營策略。本研究嘗試探討,中小企業應用創新在公司決策上的效益,是否能與大型企業應用策略等同。本研究以一科技中小製造業於2009年的個案,推導策略性創新應用於政府標案中的可行性評估時,經歷的過程與結果,並與當年的直覺性決策作一比較。本研究主張策略性創新應包含以下的思維流程:策略性定位、找出相對優勢、客戶價值主張、檢視個別活動是否相互契合、並確認與公司核心競爭力的關聯性等,並輔以浮現式策略快速回應各種意外。本研究顯示策略性創新的流程的確有助於中小企業產生更好的決策,即使面對的是極端風險規避型客戶。本研究亦建議中小企業應善用自己獨特的定位,採取策略性創新架構來形塑公司的經營策略。
While Strategic Management is a core required EMBA course at nearly every business school, Innovation is almost at the kernel of the course. This study investigated how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) could apply innovation to formulating corporate strategies as strategic innovations. A feasibility evaluation of tendering case about developing solid state recorders (SSRs) for satellite applications was explored and described by a series of strategic Q&A sessions. Two scenarios were compared in contrast: one in which the evaluation was completely relied on intuition and the other in which evaluation was conducted from strategic innovation. All of these factors – strategic positioning, discovering relative advantage, defining value proposition, checking fitness among activities, and examining solution-company fitness – were combined to create strategic innovation. Emergent response was also considered as a proportion of total strategies. The improved effect of strategic innovation on this case is clear even for B2G market with decision makers of extremely risk-averse characteristics. The research suggests that SMEs should leverage their unique positioning and adopt strategic innovation to sharpen their strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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