Title: | 一個區域醫院醫療服務介入失智症日間照護之商業模式研究 A Case Study expering the Business models of long-term care for Elderly with Dementia in a Taiwan Metropolitan Hospital |
Authors: | 黃嘉苓 Huang, Chia-Ling 朱博湧 Chu, Po-Young 管理學院高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 在地老化;失智日間照顧;商業模式;Aging in Place;Dementia;Business model |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 臺灣自1993 年起邁入高齡化社會以來,由於社會整體人口結構近年來發生重大改變,嬰兒出生率有明顯下降趨勢,65 歲以上老人人口比例逐年攀升,因此,老人的問題及服務特別值得被關心與規劃。根據2011年WHO的報告指出,近期世界主要國家的老人照護政策,均以在地老化為最高指導原則,認為老人應在其生活的社區中自然老化,以維持老人自主及自尊的生活品質,一方面也減少負擔機構昂貴的照顧成本。國家目前擬定的十年長照計畫中,也著重以在地老化為目標來發展,以居家式和社區式服務為優先且都納入補助項目,其中日間照顧除了服務患者外,也被視為是對其家庭照顧者提供的喘息照顧之一種形式,由於兼具老人服務方案和家庭支持性方案之性質,其重要性也愈加明顯。然而各區的日照中心及服務人數明顯不足,趕不上人口老化的速度,尤其是針對失智患者的服務更加不足。由於本個案在地區上是著名的失智患者照顧醫院,面對這與日遽增的需求以及配合政府的政策,成立失智日間照護單位勢在必行。因此本論文根據個案目前的業務現況,加上需求及市場分析,期許建議之日間照護商業模式能創造增加單位業績、減少家庭及社會負擔,以及促進其他相關者利益等多贏局面。 Since 1993 Taiwan had become an aging society. As the result, the service and social problem for the elderly were particularly concerned because of Taiwan dramatic demographic changes. The World Alzheimer Report 2011 shows interventions that are effective in the early stages of dementia. This leads a strong economic argument in favor of earlier diagnosis and timely intervention. “Aging in place” is the goal of elder care policy in most developed countries nowadays, which is regarded the same as ours. They promote the positive outcomes of home service and day- care center for the elderly having a choice in their care and living arrangements. However, the numbers of day-care center is clearly insufficient in Taiwan, especially in dementia patients. The case study is regarding one department of a metropolitan hospital proposing to provide the management of dementia for the elderly during the day period. Considering the social transition and the government policy, the research screens current needs and conducts a market analysis in order to propose a new business model creating a win-win situation for all stakeholders. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/75010 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |