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dc.contributor.authorKuo, Yu-Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHwang, Jen-Hungen_US
dc.description.abstract名人代言儼然成為企業慣用的行銷手法,原因是名人可以透過本身的知名度,帶給觀眾深刻的印象,進而提升品牌的曝光度;然而,名人代言固然有許多優勢,但名人本身的言行卻也同時是代言關係中潛藏的危機,一旦名人發生負面消息, 代言品牌也將連帶受到影響。過去有關名人代言的文獻主要探討名人與代言品牌的適切性、有效性,卻很少有研究著墨於代言名人發生負面事件種類的相關議題。 本研究以情境設計法,運用兩種不同情境,探討當代言名人發生不同負面訊息下,是否會影響消費者對該代言的產品態度、購買意願以及代言人可信度;並且加入消費者性別和歸因效果做為本研究的干擾變數,進一步探討不同負面訊息對於性別的影響,以及不同負面訊息下,消費者是否會因不同的歸因效果進而改變對事件的影響。 本研究主要採用單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定以及迴歸分析方法,驗證假設說明。研究結果發現,代言名人發生涉及嚴重影響道德觀感的負面事件時,消費者普遍給予負面評價,而當代言名人涉及桃色風波時,女性相較於男性會加強負面效果;再者,如果消費者認為負面事件為輿論媒體所渲染,反而會給予同情,提高正面評價。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe use of celebrity endorsers has become one of the most prevalent marketing tools in marketing. The current popularity of celebrity endorsements can be attributed to the numerous benefits companies have seen by utilizing this form of advertisement. For instance, celebrity endorsers have the ability to catch audiences’ attention easily and improve brand exposure. While these benefits are appealing to all companies, it is not without risks. The potential risks of celebrity endorsement like negative publicity on celebrities could not only destroy the image of the celebrities, but also impact the brand. The research of positive information about a celebrity endorser has been widely conducted, current literature abounds in studies that examine such endorser characteristics as match up, congruency and effectiveness. However, little research has been devoted to the negative information of a celebrity endorser. A scenario-based experiment was used to test the conceptual model. This research investigates the effects of endorser on product attitude, purchase intention and spokesperson credibility under different negative information. Furthermore, adding sex and attribution theory as moderator to investigate the implications. Author attempts to give comprehensive results as follow, first, consumers are generally given a negative evaluation when celebrity endorsements occur the moral perception of negative events. Second, women give a more negative feedback than men when celebrity endorsements have extramarital sex. Third, if the negative information is hyped up by the media, celebrity endorsements would sympathize with consumers in his affair and consumers would give him positive evaluations.en_US
dc.subjectNegative Information of Endorseren_US
dc.subjectattribution theoryen_US
dc.title名人負面訊息對產品態度、購買意願以及 代言人可信度之影響zh_TW
dc.titleThe Effects of Negative Information of Endorser on Product Attitude, Purchase Intention and Spokesperson Credibilityen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis