標題: 手持式裝置驅動IC之創新創新策略
The Innovative Strategy of Handheld Devices Research and Development - Focus on IC Design
作者: 王怡
Wang, Yi
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: IC設計;手持式裝置;研發創新策略;IC design;hand-held devices;Research and Develop Innovation Strategy
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文著眼於高科技產業當中快速發展,而且與普羅大眾生活息息相關的手持式裝置產業最上游IC設計為主。探討近十年以來,手持式裝置產業快速發展新技術及新產品,供應鏈最上層IC設計業者擔綱主要開發者,行銷部門及業務部門加入主導各擅勝場,並且參酌使用者與消費者意見做為產業永續發展的依歸;由單純平面資訊的提供,到手持式裝置所展現出來的動態資訊服務內容,提供供應鏈業者後續開發參考。 由於台灣在全球手持式裝置產業供應鏈當中,佔有舉足輕重地位。無論發展自有品牌或是承接國際大廠代工生產,必由供應鏈上游IC設計業者,肩負起手持式裝置產業領頭羊的角色。本研究希望對國際手持式裝置品牌大廠與國內手持式裝置供應鏈相關業者,提供有效的創新研發策略建議,並擴大與其他產業優秀業者異業結盟,整合有限資源,為台灣產業發展貢獻新契機。
This thesis is based on the rapid development of high-tech industries, but also with the lives of young and old handheld device industry dominated most upstream IC design. Explore the past decade. The handheld device industry development of new technologies and new products is fast. The supply chain top IC design industry that made the major developers, marketing departments and business units to join the leading good wins and deliberate user and consumer opinion do sustainable development of the industry in mind. The information provided by a simple, hand-held device to show up in the dynamic information services. The supply chain industry subsequent development is important. The global handheld device industry that occupied a pivotal position is important. Whether the development of international companies to undertake its own brand or OEM, must be from the supply chain upstream IC design industry, establishing development goals, take up the role of leader in the handheld device industry. In this study, in the hope that the international handheld device brands in the domestic handheld device supply chain-related industries, providing effective and innovative research and development strategy recommendations, and expand to other industries outstanding industry-industry alliances, consolidation of limited resources, the contribution of new industrial development in Taiwan opportunity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis