Title: 多鐵材料鐵酸鉍先進疇壁,結構與功能性之成長,分析與調控
Advanced Engineering of Multiferroic BiFeO3: A Roadmap from Domain Wall, Structure to Functionalities
Authors: 楊展其
Yang, Jan-Chi
Chu, Ying-Hao
Keywords: 多體材料;鐵酸鉍;疇壁;奈米結構;磊晶薄膜;multiferroic;BiFeO3;domain wall;nanostructure;epitaxial thin film
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 多鐵材料(multiferroic)為同時具有共存的兩個或兩個以上鐵性有序參量(ferroic order parameters)之材料系統。這些共存的有序參量彼此間通常具有相當程度的耦合與交互作用,使得這類的材料具有獨特的物理現象以及應用於下一代電子元件的應用潛力。在眾多的多鐵材料中,鉍鐵氧(或稱為鐵酸鉍)同時具有有序的磁性與相當大的鐵電極化量。此外,鉍鐵氧為室溫之多鐵材料,其具有高居里溫度(Curie Temperature)與高尼爾溫度(Néel Temperature)之特性,在多鐵材料中的扮演相當關鍵的角色。
Multiferroics - materials that exhibit coexistence of different ferroic order parameters - have offered a new route to create intriguing functionalities for next generation nanoelectronics. Bismuth ferrite, BiFeO3, is currently the most studied single-phase multiferric, because BiFeO3 is the only room temperature multiferroic in the world to date. In this dissertation, domain engineering of BiFeO3 is explored to create well-controlled domain patterns and desired domain walls, which are used to gain further understanding on the intriguing functionalities of this room-temperature multiferroic. In addition to domain engineering, epitaxial strain engineering is another main focus in this dissertation. The fabrication of newly-developed and non-equilibrium phases of BiFeO3 is achieved by choosing misfit substrates and suitable growth conditions, allowing original properties to be tailored by epitaxial strains. In this dissertation, a new orthorhombic phase of the multiferroic BiFeO3 is stabilized by exerting proper tensile strain, leading to the formation of functional 90o domain walls. On the other hand, with precisely controlled compressive strain, a highly strained BiFeO3 phase is found to exhibit electric controllable magnetism. This dissertation is written to offer a roadmap to reach advanced control on multiferroic BiFeO3, with the hope to explore new opportunities for novel multifunctional devices and nanoelectronics.
Appears in Collections:Thesis