標題: 當代新竹六張犁林姓聚落之地景變遷與認同(1971-2013)
Contemporary Landscape Change and Identity of The Lin Settlement at Liuzhangli in Hsinchu(1971-2013)
作者: 羅玉伶
Lo, Yu-Ling
Lo, Lieh-Shih
關鍵字: 地景象徵;地景變遷;都市計畫;單姓聚落;新竹六張犁;認同;landscape symbolization;landscape change;urban planning;single-surnamed settlement;Liuzhangli in Hsinchu;identity
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 六張犁,一處北台灣聞名的林姓單姓客家聚落,兩百多年後,卻消逝在現今地圖上,取而代之的是特意形塑、具文化象徵的「六家民俗公園」。昔日的農村田野已被高樓大廈取代。此一劇變起源於廿一世紀具農村殺手之稱的都市計畫,短短十年間促使地景丕變,人口遽增。相對於聚落外的高樓林立,公園內保留的六座傳統建築、兩座傳統寺廟,與新建的交通大學客家文化學院土樓意象建築,顯得壁壘分明。聚落原住戶與社區新住戶是如何詮釋此地景?本研究以「在地關懷」為出發點,探究歷史與社會發展下,地景與認同間的連結。 筆者認為,即使地景變遷,人們仍難以割捨對於地景的認同,且六張犁聚落內富涵「多種認同關係」,故本研究探討問題有四:1.六張犁聚落保留下來的地景有哪些?保留原因為何?2.這些地景的關鍵行動者分別為何?3.不同行動者對保留與興建的地景象徵性與認同關係為何?4.如何詮釋地景象徵性與認同關係的共通性與差異性? 因此,筆者進行文獻分析、深度訪談及(祭祀、社區活動)參與觀察,配合理論架構,期盼能提供一份六家地區較完整的人地關係學術論文。
Liuzhangli was a well-known Hakka settlement in northern Taiwan, with all the inhabitant having a single-surname, the Lins. Two hundred years have passed, the settlement has since disappeared from the contemporary map, and instead was replaced by a specially shaped and culturally symbolized park called “Liujia Folk Park”, with modern skyscrapers substituted for farms in former times. The drastic changes was caused by twenty first century urban plannings, killers of rural villages,which fostered great changes in landscape and rapid growth in population. Compared with the tall buildings outside of the settlement, the park has preserved six traditional buildings, and two traditional temples, all quite distinguishable from the newly-built tulou building image of the College of Hakka Study at NCTU. How did the settlement residents and the community interpret the changes of the landscape? This study would like to begin with the local concern and discover the connection between the landscape and identity under the historical and social development. In spite of all the changes in landscape, this study believes that it was still very difficult for people to part with identity in landscape. In addition, the Liuzhangli settlement contains various relationships to identity. Hence, the present study aims at four questions: 1) What were the landscapes preserved in Liuzhangli settlement? Why were they preserved? 2) Who were the key agents of these landscapes? 3) For different key agents, what were those relationships of identity between the preserved and newly-constructed landscape symbolization? 4) How to interpret the commonness and difference between the landscape symbolization and identity? Thus, this study carries out relevant literature analysis, in depth interviews, and the observations on ancestral worship and local community events. Under the thesis guidelines and frameworks, this study hopes to depict a picture of the complete relationship between the people and the landscape in Liujia District.


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