標題: 半導體產業OpenFoundry競爭策略之研究:以T公司為例
A Study on OpenFoundry Competitive Strategies in the Semiconductor Industry:A Case Study of T Company
作者: 李謙
Lee, Chien
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 半導體;競爭策略;開放式晶圓代工;五力分析;強弱危機分析;波特;Semiconductor;Competitive;OpenFoundry;five forces analysis;SWOT;Porter
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 晶圓代工是我國主要發展產業,目前半導体產業仍逐年成長,但摩爾定律已在物理極限下倍受壓力;在先進技術發展中微縮製程已不再是中小型廠商有能力和財力負擔的。依據IEK及Insight估計,全世界半導體廠的平均建廠成本,2015年將會是2000年那時的3倍。近年來的金融海嘯(二次房貸)和各地的天災人禍(日本311),導致終端消費市場不振,連帶某些IDM廠商不得不委外製造,以降低在地生產的成本與風險,並積極走向輕晶圓廠方向。龐大的建廠成本及先進製程微縮技術的困難度,使得各家廠商互相組成策略聯盟,而本身擁有品牌產品的IDM廠(Intel、Samsung)也加入晶圓代工的競爭行列。 在當前的趨勢下,產業發展已到達瓶頸,許多技術開發已不再追求摩爾定律的突破,反而尋找其他機會,像是異質IC整合開發(3D IC)或是使用非矽作為材料的半導體研究(石墨烯),都是半導體未來可期待的方向。並且目前仍然有許多獲利可觀但不需先進製程技術的產品,像是PMIC(電源管理晶片)、MEMS(微機電系統晶片)、CIS(CMOS影像感測晶片)等,均有穩定且成長的利潤。由此可知,半導體產業朝向兩種極端發展:(1)為遵循「摩爾定律」,投資巨額資金在先進技術並突破物理和材料限制。(2)利用非先進技術生產特別應用之功能晶片的利基型市場。 本研究利用Micheal E. Porter的五力分析、SWOT分析、一般競爭策略,分析目前半導體產業中晶圓代工廠所需要的轉型能力與策略方向,以因應半導體產業發展過程中遭遇到兩極化生產導向、策略聯盟、IC技術的變化(異質整合或使用新材料)、新應用的晶片需求等不同的變革,探討未來晶圓代工產業的新型態競爭策略,提供予業界參考。
Semiconductor manufacturing is a capital-intensive industry. Although it requires huge investment, top talent, and advanced research and development. But it also had a difficult barriers to entry. However, the global semiconductor industry is facing a slowdown issue. As Moore’s Law is reaching its limit, the process development cost is going higher and higher. All the top companies have streamlined their resources in developing nanometer lithography and mask manufacturing. As research and development has come to the limits of Moore's Law. Advanced Process manufacturers are gradually losing dominance. Enterprises in order to remain competitive must have other business strategies and solutions. In fact, the profitability of many mature process including power management IC, automotive chips, image sensors(CIS, CMOS Image Sensor), and MEMS(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) are as much as the advanced process technology. Therefore, the foundry industry will have two strategic direction:(1) The following high-technology research and development in the 10nm process technology. (2)Use of mature technology in development of niche market segments. Both can maintain a competitive advantage. The primary objective of the study is to present the current situation of the global foundry industry and future trends. In addition, the study will focus on the SWOT analysis of the foundry industry's competitive strategy analysis to identify internal strengths and weaknesses and to identify opportunities and threats in the external environment. Then the study use the porter's five forces analysis:(1)Bargaining Power of Suppliers; (2)Bargaining Power of Buyers; (3)Threat of New Entrants; (4)Substitutes; (5)Rivalry. As the framework for industry analysis and business strategy development, which draws upon industrial organization economics to derive from five forces that determine the competitive advantage and therefore attractiveness of market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis