Title: 定期貨櫃航線競爭策略分析
The Analysis of Competition Strategy for Container Liner Services
Authors: 鮑仲良
Pao, Chung-Liang
Chen, Mu-Chen
Keywords: 定期貨櫃運輸;;競爭策略;市場集中度;賀芬達爾-赫希曼指數;蘭徹斯特等式;SWOT分析;Container liner services;Competion strategy;Market concentration;Herfindahal-Hirschman Index;Lanchester equation;SWOT analysis
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: 定期貨櫃運輸業運屬於高度國際化、高度規格化,資本高度密集,投資回收緩慢的產業,國際經濟情勢對航線的經營影響極大。實務上,定期貨櫃航線市場艙位供給大於需求的現況難以在短期解決,因為服務同質性高,競爭非常劇烈,為求能在競爭中勝出,如何創造航線的競爭優勢是經營者的職責所在。影響航線經營績效的外在因素中,市場結構是一重要因素,而市占率的是市場結構中的重要指標,市占率越大者對市場的影響力量越大,市場的競爭態勢則由市場集中度決定。 航線競爭策略是決定航線經營的資源分配,進而影響經營績效的關鍵因素。本研究利用量化分析方法使經營者對本身的市場定位更加明確,將量化分析方法引入決策分析工具,結合航線經營者為擬定航線策略常使用的SWOT分析法,使航線經營中船舶艙位、集貨船航線及貨櫃集散場站等資源作更合理的分配。 本研究分析遠東至紅海航線的市場結構,使用賀芬達爾-赫希曼指數(Herfindahal-Hirschman Index, HHI)作為市場集中率分析工具,結合使用蘭徹斯特等式(Lanchester Equations)建立射距矩陣的方式確認航線的市場定位,以利航線經營者了解競爭對手以及打擊對象,最後結合使用SWOT分析所得的策略,並提出為執行競爭策略的合理資源分配建議。而此分析的方法及流程可提供其他航線市場經營者作為策略擬定提時參考運用。
Container liner service is an industry with high degree of internationalization, normalization and capital-intensive, whose investment recovery slow, and the performance are easily impacted by the international economic and trading development. In practice, the space over supply situation will not be solved in short term. The keen competition between each liner service is also due to the high homogeneity of service. How to create the advantage of competitive will be the key responsibility of each liner manager. Market structure is one of the major concerns among those reasons impact the performance of service, and the market concentration is one key factor of the market structure. The higher market share can easier influence the market. The market competition is determined by the market concentration. Effective decision-making bring about the better performance. Traditionally the SWOT analysis is usually been applied for the strategy decision making. Only few of them use the quantitative method to analyze the market the liner market competition. To use the quantity method is in order to bring clear picture of the market positioning and more reasonable resource allocated. Therefore this study focuses on the Far East to Red Sea liner market. Firstly use the market concentration index, such as Herfindahal-Hirschman Index (HHI), to analysis the market concentration. Secondly, use the Lanchester Equation to analysis the market category type of the study market. Thirdly, in order to identify the target to attack, this study combine the HHI and the Lanchester Equation to analysis the position of each service in the market. Finally combine the strategy created by the SWOT analysis and calculate the optimal resource allocation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis