標題: 外商壽險公司於銀行保險之競爭優勢與經營策略研究─以個案公司為例
The Competitive Advantages and Business Strategies of Bancassurance by Foreign Insurance Firms in Taiwan- A Case Study
作者: 江怡鈞
Chiang, Yi-Chun
Wang, Keh-Luh
Lee, Han-Hsing
關鍵字: 銀行保險;外商壽險公司;競爭優勢;經營策略;Bancasurrance;Foreign Insurance firm;Competitive Advantage;Strategy
公開日期: 2014
摘要: 台灣自2001年開始發展銀行保險以來,截至2014年6月,銀行保險通路占整體壽險的保額已達51.94%,達到2778億,銀行保險通路儼然已成為壽險業最主要的通路。而外商壽險公司如何在銀行保險領域取得競爭優勢,來對抗資源豐沛的本土金控業者,就成了本研究的重要課題。 過去銀行保險的相關論文多從銀行的角度出發,主要是在銀行保險的經營上,銀行占有通路資源和客戶名單,屬於較強勢的一方,本論文嘗試從保險公司的角度出發,並以波特的競爭理論,以及Kim和Mauborgne所提出的藍海策略做為主要的分析架構,並以Delphi法專家訪談做為研究方法。研究結果顯示,外商壽險公司在銀行保險的合作上同時具有「成本領先」和「差異化」的競爭優勢,得以開創出「價值創新」的新藍海;而在經營策略上,外商壽險公司和銀行通路建立「策略聯盟的夥伴關係」,以「交叉持股、獲利共享」的模式合作,並要求銀行簽署「專賣」協議,如此一來,可以避免掉與其它家保險公司的價格競爭,還可以為銀行通路「量身訂做」保險產品,設計出「適合銀行銷售」且「符合銀行客戶需求」的產品,並造成「限量銷售」的效應;最後,透過派駐專職的「保險顧問」和「保險講師」在各個分行據點的策略,同時提升了「人員的素質」和「保險服務的品質」。個案公司成功的銀行保險合作模式,足以做為外商壽險公司利用一己競爭優勢,制定出經營策略的最佳範例。
Bancasurrance was developed in Taiwan since 2001. Late until June 2014, revenue from bancasurrance sales channel has achieved 277.8 billion NTD, which is over 50% of total insurance sales. It therefore reveals that the bancasurrance sales channel has become the major insurance market in Taiwan. How a foreign insurance firm can obtain its advantages in this market environment where local financial holding companies can easily utilize bank channels is the main research objective of this essay. Studies in the bancasurrance field were mostly based on the viewpoints of the banks, since banks controlled most essential resources, such as channels and clients, compared to the insurance firms. However, I chose a new perspective from the insurance firms, and observed a novel cooperation model from the case in my study that shows the practice used by foreign insurance company which hasn’t been sufficiently discussed before. I utilize Delphi method to obtain the expert’s opinions, and apply “Michael Porter’s competitive strategy”, and “Blue Ocean Strategy” as my analytical structure. The result shows that, in the bancasurrance field, foreign insurance firms enjoy two competitive advantages in “Overall cost leadership” and “Differentiation”, which further create “blue ocean field” and “value innovation”. Moreover, foreign insurance firms can develop the “partnership of the strategic alliance” with banks. Through “cross shareholdings” and “profits sharing” strategies, banks are willing to accept the “exclusive sale” agreement on certain products of the insurance firms, and provide the limited “tailor-made” contracts for their clients with the help of specially assigned “insurance specialists” located in all the bank branches. This strategy simultaneously levels up the resources and the qualities for the insurance companies. The exploration of the case company provides a good practice that a foreign insurance company can leverage under the competitive environment in Taiwan’s insurance market.