標題: 一個快速的眨眼偵測演算法
A Fast Algorithm of Eye Blink Detection
作者: 翁崇荏
Chung-Ren Weng
Ling-Hwei Chen
關鍵字: 人眼定位;眨眼偵測;eye location;blink detection
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 眨眼的資訊顯示一個人的疲勞程度,眨眼的偵測可用於監控或警 示系統,例如當駕駛員太過勞累時提出警告可以避免車禍的發生。本 論文將提出一套快速的人眼定位以及眨眼偵測演算法,適用於複雜背 景以及受測者戴眼鏡的情況。我們首先利用膚色的資訊對全圖做出膚 色遮罩,然後以形態學運算填補膚色遮罩中的缺陷,由填補後的遮罩 計算出人臉範圍區塊,在此範圍中經由水平投影的統計配合人臉的特 徵算出眼睛的位置。經由眼睛範圍內深色點數變化量的統計,我們標 記出眨眼的時間點。
The information about eye blinks shows one’s fatigue. Detecting blink is useful to monitoring system or warning system. Automatically detecting fatigue of drivers may save them from accidents. We propose a fast algorithm for eye location and eye blink detection. This algorithm is adapted to the complex background and the situation which people wear glasses. In the first place, we classify pixels as skin color and non-skin color to build a skin mask of original image. Second, we patch the skin mask with morphological operations and locate the face bounding block. Applying horizontal projection to the bounding block and filtering with face feature conditions, we locate eye region. After gathering statistics of pixels in eye region, we can find out which frames contain eye blinks.


  1. 354601.pdf

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