標題: 以適應性銷售策略及人格特質觀點檢測銷售績效
Determinants of Sales Performance from Both Adaptive Selling Behavior (ASB) and Personality Traits Perspectives
作者: 吳美寰
Mei-Huan Wu
Dr. Ying-Chan Edwin Tang
Dr. Chia-Chi Chang
關鍵字: 銷售人員;銷售績效;階層模式;適應性銷售行為;五大人格特質;salespeople;sales performance;hierarchical approach;adaptive selling behavior;FFM
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 先前學者的研究指出人格特質中影響銷售績效的因素有內外控、性向等等,而五大人格特質屬於較廣泛且基本的特質,是許多不同工作場合在甄才時所使用的衡量工具。本研究使用階層模式 (hierarchical model),利用不同層級的人格特質—五大人格特質及適應性銷售技巧—決定銷售場合中銷售人員的銷售績效。結果顯示多層次的特質較單一層次解釋變異量有顯著的差異,顯示適應性銷售在銷售場合為一重要的特質及策略。此外,研究結果亦顯示在基本人格特質中,審慎負責性、物質主義、學習需求皆顯著地影響銷售績效。 本研究亦檢視銷售人員獎金制度對實行適應性銷售的影響,試圖建議較好的績效制度激勵銷售人員。最後,針對研究結果提供給人資或銷售主管在選、育銷售人員時的建議。
Prior researches indicate several personal characteristics such as aptitude and locus of control might impact sales performance. Most of the past studies have employed FFM (Five Factors Model) as personalities influence on job performance rather than on specific performance like sales performance. This study utilizes the hierarchical model to investigate different levels of personality traits including FFM and ASB (adaptive selling behavior) that impact on sales performance. The results indicate that the hierarchical traits explained more variance compared with a single level variance. In addition, three basic personality traits, conscientiousness, materialism, and need for learning, are statistically positive to sales performance. This study also examines the relationship between compensation package and the salespeople’s implementation of ASB. The results shed some lights on the use of incentive commission as a means of achieving sales performance. The study concludes with suggestions made toward managers who involve with decision in personnel selection and training.
Appears in Collections:Thesis