標題: 負面情緒對談判的影響
The Effects of Negative emotions on Negotiation
作者: 蔡婉如
Wan-Ru Tsai
Dr. Yau-De Wang
關鍵字: 情緒架構;談判結果;談判過程行為;衝突處理;情緒操弄;emotional construction;negotiation;conflict resolution;emotion
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究目的在探討情緒對於談判過程的行為與談判結果的影響。152位受試者被隨機分配到2(自己的情緒為憤怒或害怕) × 2(對手的情緒為憤怒或害怕) × (自己的角色為惠爾或東方)八組實驗情境與無情緒的對照組之中,分別閱讀完衝突情境與即將扮演的角色的劇本後,與對手進行談判。談判的結果分為破局、獨贏、妥協、迴避等四類型。研究發現,當談判雙方皆處於憤怒情緒時,談判結果出現破局的機率最高;當談判雙方皆處於憤怒情緒操弄狀態時,談判結果出現妥協、獨贏的比例相較於無情緒操弄的對照組而言較低。談判結果屬於迴避者僅原先設計為惠爾害怕對東方害怕一組,但由於本研究的害怕情緒操弄失敗,故無法推論害怕情緒對於談判結果的影響為何。此外,在評量不同情緒組別對於談判結果的滿意度時發現,憤怒的受試者對於談判結果的滿意度低於處於無情緒操弄狀態的人。在評量自己談判過程中的行為方面,可從談判過程中自己的理性程度、自己的合作程度、自己的公平程度,以及自己求勝的企圖等四個項目進行分析。研究發現,在評價自己的理性程度時,當受試者面對的對手是處於憤怒情緒,對於自己理性程度的評價明顯低於面對一個無情緒操弄的對手。在評價自己的公平程度時,當受試者的對手在談判時的情緒為憤怒時,事後評量自己在談判過程中的公平程度明顯低於談判時對手處於無情緒操弄的人。評價自己公平程度與自己的求勝企圖時發現不同的情緒並未造成各實驗組的顯著差異。在評價對手談判過程中的行為方面,主要從談判過程中對手的理性程度、對手的公平程度、對手的求勝企圖,以及對手立場的堅定程度等四部份進行分析。在評價對手的理性程度時發現,談判時處於憤怒情緒操弄狀態的人在事後評價對手的理性程度時明顯低於在談判時處於無情緒操弄狀態的人。在評價對手的公平程度與求勝企圖時發現,不同的情緒並未造成各實驗組的顯著差異。在評價對手立場堅定程度時發現,談判時處於憤怒情緒操弄狀態的人在評價對手立場堅定程度時明顯高於談判時處於無情緒操弄狀態的人。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of negative emotions on negotiation. One hundred and fifty-two people participate were randomly assigned to the 2(own’s anger or fear) × 2(opponent’s anger or fear) × 2(agent A or B client)experimental conditions and two additional control conditions to role-play a business conflict scenario. Twenty-five minutes to face-to-face negotiate, participants were given the result of conflict resolutions, were classified as broken, compromising, win-lose, or avoiding. Results showed that when compared to pairs in the control condition, which the negotiators are both in anger, the chances for broken result were the highest. When both of the negotiators are in neutral-controlled, the chances for compromising and dominating result were higher than the participants in anger. However, when participants were in neutral-controlled, chances for avoiding result appeared. It is likely that the angermotion made participants not to give way to their opponents. In addition, the manipulating emotion of fear in this study failed, so we can’t deduce the effects of the emotion of fear from this study. After the negotiation was over, the participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire. According to the questionnaire, the participants evaluated their own and their opponents’ behaviors. There was significant difference among different emotional situation in terms of participants’ evaluation of their own behaviors. Participants in anger emotional situation gave more negative evaluation of their own behaviors. Participants in anger emotional situation also gave more negative evaluation of their opponents’ behaviors.


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