標題: 數位電視介面操作環境-探討選單格式與控制類型之相容性
A Study of Digital TV User Interfaces Operation Environments- Compatibility Between Menu Layout and Control Device
作者: 黃柏文
關鍵字: 數位電視;介面設計;控制器;相容性;Digital TV;Interface design;Control device;Compatibility
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 政府將於2006年推動數位電視進駐家庭的計畫,對家庭的生活方式勢必引發新一波的革命。由於數位電視提供的互動性服務與消費者有密切的關係,對於消費者而言,數位電視上各種服務的介面設計與控制方式好用與否,將攸關消費者對數位電視服務的滿意度。本研究藉由分析數位電視目前在介面上常使用的三種選單:清單式選單、表格式選單以及非結構式的選單,在搭配不同的三種控制器:方向鍵、軌跡球、觸控板,試圖探討介面搭配控制器會較佳操作績效及相容性的組合。
Digital TV (DTV) will become an important life commodity owing to government initiate implementation plan in 2006. Interactive services by DTV provided will have influence on consumer’s satisfaction. Thus, how to find out the compatibility of DTV interface design and control device is the main purpose of this research.
Menu(List , Table, Un-structure ) x Control device( Arrow keys, Tracking ball, Touch Panel) Two Factorial Complex designs will be conducted in simulated living room. The experimental result shows the compatibility of tracking ball in three different menu layout is better than other control devices. The findings will be apply the design of DTV interface and control devices in the near future.