標題: 以Web Services為基礎且兼具圖形化設計環境與工作流程控管能力的P2P運算能力分享環境
A Web Services Based P2P Computing-Power Sharing Architecture with Visual Development Environment and Workflow Control Mechanism
作者: 楊博宇
關鍵字: Peer-to-peer;Web Services;BPEL;運算能力分享;分散式運算;分散式系統;Peer-to-peer;Web Services;Web Services;computing power sharing;distributing computing;distributing systems
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著資訊系統的運算量以及資料處理量的日益增加,現有的資訊系統架構開始不堪負荷。一些企業便開始思考如何在不額外增加軟硬體設備之下維持系統高工作量運作。因此,分享網路資源的Peer-to-peer (P2P)的概念因而誕生,透過P2P把網路上成千上萬台電腦的閒置資源串連起來,來因應資訊系統的運算需求。 本研究針對現有的P2P運算分享架構,發現在安全、動機、彈性、相容性以及工作流程控管上的問題。並建置出Computing Power Services(CPS)架構,利用Web Services和Business Process Execution Language (BPEL)來克服彈性以及工作流程控管能力上的限制;同時縮小應用範圍到peer和peer之間存在著信賴關係的網路(本文稱信賴網路)之中運行,如此將不用考量安全和動機上的問題。 該架構提供了一個以Web Services為基礎,輕量級的P2P運算能力分享環境。。同時,藉由BPEL的導入,使得整個架構兼具了圖形化的開發與管理環境以及工作流程控管的能力。適用於可批次化的需高運算能力的執行程式,並實行於組織的信賴網路之中,CPS架構為組織提供了運用組織內現有電腦運算能力的可行方案。
As demands of data processing and computing are increasing, current information system architectures become insufficient. Some organizations try to keep their systems work without cost of purchasing new hardware and software. The peer-to-peer (P2P) model which shares the resource over the network is a solution proposed in this paper. In addition, this paper discusses some problems about security, motivation, flexibility, compatibility and workflow management for the traditional P2P power sharing models. Thus, we proposed a new computing architecture: Computing Power Services (CPS) that aims to solve the problems discovered. It utilizes Web Services and Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) to overcome the shortcomings about flexibility and workflow management. CPS is limited to a trust network where peer and peer trust each other. Thus, the concerns about security and motivation are negated. CPS is a lightweight Web-Services-based P2P power sharing environment, and suitable for executing computing works which are able to run in batch in a trusty network. The architecture relies on BPEL which provides a visualized development environment and workflow control management.


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