標題: 高等教育趨勢之探索性研究-以促進創意、創新、創業為導向
An Exploratory Study on the Advanced Education Industry -- The Scenario of Enhancing Ideas, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
作者: 方元宏
Terry Y.H. Fang
Benjamin J.C. Yuan
關鍵字: 高等教育;教育改革;創業服務;情境分析法;advanced education;reform in education;entrepreneurship service institution;scenario analysis
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 高等教育是推動國家永續發展,提升國家競爭力的源頭活水。近年來,由於環境變遷,高等教育面臨了鉅大的挑戰與衝擊,導致高等教育問題叢生,直接衝擊到高等教育的主導地位與功能。未來是一個強調知識經濟、數位科技、終身學習、全球化與國際化的世紀,也是一個競爭愈來愈加激烈的世紀。為使今後高等教育的發展,能適應社會的變遷、經濟的成長、產業結構的改變以及價值觀多元化的需求,高等教育應有新的突破。所以,本研究目的在於建構高等教育之未來發展情境,在此情境下之高等教育的作法,將使得高等教育不論是在培育能為產官學界所用之就業者,或是促進創意、創新、創業實現下之創業者,皆能扮演好一個稱職的角色。首先,本研究點出高等教育現在所面臨的問題,再透過情境分析法,將未來高等教育的轉變,分別針對環境趨勢面、策略規劃面、內部流程面、師資養成面、教學課程面及學生來源面等七大方面進行轉變,並且進一步建構起高等教育與創業服務機構之連結。此舉,將使得高等教育不論在培育就業者或是創業者方面,皆能發揮其價值,並且進一步重新扮演好培育國家人才、促進經濟發展與產業競爭力的主導地位與功能。
The advanced education is the source of enhancing country’s development and competition. Recently, the advanced education meets a formidable challenge which was result from the changing environments; as a result that advanced education have many problems which would menace the leadership and function of advanced education. We will concentrate on the knowledge economics, digital technology, life learning, globalization and internationalization in the coming future. It’s no doubt that we will face heavier competition in the future. Therefore, in order to let the advanced education’s development get with the society’s transition, economy’s development, industry’s structure’s change and the concept of values’ multiple demands, it should make creative breakthrough in its future reformation. Thus, the main idea of this study is to build the future’s development of advanced education which would make advanced education become a competent creature that raise the employee and improving ideas innovation, and entrepreneurship. First of all, this study will point out the problems that advanced education meet. Second, I will take the scenario analysis to build up the connection between advanced education and entrepreneurship service institution. I will focus on the environment trend, strategy planning, internal process, teacher cultivation, teaching course, and student’s source which are the seven changes of advanced education development. Thus with this study we can not only raise the employee and entrepreneur, but also enhancing the economy’s development and industry’s competition.