標題: 中國大陸高新技術園區之效率分析
Efficiency of High-tech Zones in Mainland China
作者: 葉芳瑜
Fang-Yu Yeh
Jin-Li Hu
關鍵字: 國家高新區;技術創新能力;資料包絡分析法;national high-tech zones;ability of technical innovation;data envelopment analysis (DEA)
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本論文以2000年中國大陸53個國家級高新技術園區(簡稱高新區)為對象,採用兩投入(企業家數、年末企業從業人員)及三產出(技術性收入、產品銷售收入、商品銷售收入)為投入產出項,並利用資料包絡分析法計算各高新區之效率。主要結論如下:1.創新研發型高新區多位於學術機構及人才密集的東半部,並建議北京、瀋陽、廣州等高新區朝向提升高科技研發人員之專業素質及產品創新,並且學習國際上已富盛名的科學園區之管理制度。2.生產基地型高新區多位於水電便利且人口密集的地區,建議上海、南京、深圳、杭州、佛山等高新區可透過生產策略的調整及產業重新定位的方式,進一步升級為研發創新型高新區。其餘的高新區則建議透過吸引外資來擴大企業規模或藉由企業整合來增進規模效率。3.商品銷售型高新區散佈於中國大陸的各個交通便利的地區。建議無錫、青島、成都等高新區可透過通路、物流等管理方式來維持現況,並可藉由提升生產相關軟硬體設施的投入使其升級為生產基地型高新區。4.建議烏魯木齊等位在中國大陸邊陲地帶的高新區,應透過強化水電、交通等基礎建設,來吸引廠商及技術勞動人口前往投資與工作。
This research studies fifty high-tech zones in mainland China in 2000. Numbers of enterprise and labor are the two inputs. Technological revenues, product sales revenues, and commodity sales revenues are the three outputs. The data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach is used to compute the efficiency of each high-tech zone. Our main findings are as follows: 1. Most technology-type high-tech zones are in the east area abundant with many academic institutes and skilled labor, among which Beijing, Shenyang, and Guangzhou perform the best. 2. Production-type high-tech zones are in areas with better facilities and higher population densities, among which Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, and Foshan perform the best. 3. Sales-type high-tech zones are in areas with convenient transportation, among which Wuxi, Qingdao, and Chengdu perform the best. 4. Most inland high-tech zones have high pure technical efficiencies but lack scale efficiencies due to insufficient production scales.
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