標題: 產業競爭策略族群之研究---以中國空調業為例
Research on the industrial competition strategy group---the China air conditioning industry
作者: 王裕仁
Wang Yu-Ren
Edwin Tang
關鍵字: 策略管理;競爭策略;集群分析;competitive strategy;strategic group;clustering analysis
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 企業策略管理的主要目的在於,找出競爭對手的優缺點,利用對於對手與自己的瞭解,進行SWOT分析,以發展出最有利的競爭策略。因此競爭的源頭在於,是否真的瞭解公司的敵人是誰,誰是敵人誰是朋友,一旦確立之後,之後的策略發展將會完全不同,也是決定在殘酷的市場是否可以生存下來的關鍵。 本研究利用行銷管理中,用於消費者生活型態分析的集群分析法,將之應用於空調產業的市場區隔,以22個變數作為衡量24家空調業者的指標,將這些指標所得結果進行集群的選取,以找出24家業者的集群情形。並且將研究結果與市場目前的市佔率情形相比對,以確定是否真的符合效標之效度。 期許本研究可將集群分析用於產業分析中,作為產業策略分析的源頭,以協助未來在進行策略應用時,能有較為準確的分析結果。
The main goal of strategic management lies in discovering the company’s strength and weakness, and the understanding of opponents to carry on the SWOT analysis and to develop the most advantageous competition strategy. Therefore, the effectiveness of competitive strategy depends on whether the company really understanding who are the main competitors, or strategically allied partners. Once these are classified, the afterwards strategy development will be completely straightforward. This paper exploits customer evaluation pattern analysis in air condition industry. From the k-means cluster analysis, a hierarchical competitive market can be analyzed. Our dataset covers 24 air condition companies in Mainland China air condition market with their market and share ranks. The purpose of this study is to identify the competitive clustering map and to check whether the resulted strategic groups conform to the present market situation. The research results can assist future strategy management application and further improve the analysis method. The business executive can apply the cluster analysis to facilitate future strategic group analysis to get better strategic decision.


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