Title: 台商投資中國之商業秘密保護研究
The Study of Trade Secret Protection for Taiwan Investors in Mainland China
Authors: 王敏賢
Dr. Wen-Chieh Wang
Keywords: 營業秘密;商業秘密;台商;投資;不可避免揭露理論;競業禁止;Trade Secret;Taiwan Investor;Investment;Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine;Non Compete Agreement
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 我國於1991年開放對大陸之經貿投資,因生產成本低廉且無語言溝通障礙,吸引了絡繹不絕的台商不斷溢入資金,競相前往發展,至去年底之投資總金額已達427.04億美元。其中,電子業為主要領導產業,由於其屬技術敏感度高之產業,技術成為操控事業成敗之決勝點,因此對於大陸當地提供技術保護措施之需求,尤為明顯。 一般而言,保護技術首要選擇往往採行專利申請,然而專利保護要件審查嚴格,且耗時耗資甚鉅,權利人亦背負著技術公開之法定要求,相較於此,商業秘密保護範圍較廣,除技術資訊外,亦可納入生產經營之相關資訊,且無須行政機關審查批准,即可獲得無時限之保護,此外,其可與專利交錯應用,亦可獨立為之,不失為另一技術保護良方。 惟大陸地區之商業秘密法制與我國獨立運行之《營業秘密法》差異甚大,對於台商企業而言,存在著較高之適用障礙。法律適用有其規律,大陸以《反不正當競爭法》為商業秘密法制之基礎,配合相關行政規章與司法解釋,不離民事與刑事雙重救濟途徑之軌,此一基本架構一旦確定,台商企業即可抽絲剝繭理解其規範法理並遵循之。 然而,應注意我國與大陸關於商業秘密構成要件之解釋差異。我國通說認為商業秘密應符合「有用性」、「創新性」與「實施保密措施」等要件,大陸學者與法院實務見解則針對「創新性」要件存在不同接受態度,台商企業於訴訟中主張權利時,應先行調查當地法院之意見傾向,以避免於法院判斷構成要件滿足與否時,因訴訟策略失誤,未通過基本的檢驗而遭敗訴。 一如公司營運需要良好之投資組合以提供穩固資金來源,完善生產技術與經營策略之智慧財產權保護組合益形重要。採行商業秘密保護企業競爭優勢,已成為大陸現今產業新趨勢,台商企業不應再以適用複雜為拒絕接納之理由,應深入理解而後據以有效實施。
Taiwan government has given permission to invest in China since 1991. According to low production cost and less barrier in language, many Taiwan investors put money into China. Until last year, the total investment amount is up to 42,704 million U.S. dollars. In all investing industry, the electronics manufacturing business is the most leading one. It is a technique-oriented industry; therefore, the need of technology protection is essential. Generally speaking, the first step of technology protection is to apply to patent. In patent application, the investigation of terms is extremely strict and the cost in time and money is also huge. Besides, the obligee has to face the burden of disclosure. In contrast, the scope of trade secret is broader and the execution is easier. It contains both technical information and operating information. Also, there is no need for examination by administrative office. The protection is timeless. Trade secret can work with patent or being independently using. It is truly another good way to protect technology. The legal system of trade secret in China is different from that in Taiwan. It is difficult for Taiwan investors to understand how to comply with. In fact, there is always a rule in law. The basis of China trade secret law is the unfair competition law. Accompany with administrative regulations and judiciary explanations, the main compensation remains to civil and criminal processes. Along this order, Taiwan investors can easily know the legal principle of trade secret well. The most important thing to mention is the inconformity of terms between China and Taiwan. It is thought that usefulness, creativity and confidential measures are the three main terms in Taiwan. However, China scholars and courts have varied opinions in creativity. To solve this problem, Taiwan investors shall recognize the tendency of local court first to avoid wrong litigation tactic in evidence proofing. An appropriate portfolio for business finance is important; it is so that the good combination of intellectual property protection is essential for business production and operation. To make use of trade secret keeping the competition advantage is the most popular way in China industry nowadays. Taiwan investors should follow the trend and bring it into practice.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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