標題: 應用類型媒材激發創意的方法研究-以科幻電影為例
An Application of Stimulation to Product Design, Using Science-Fiction as an Example.
作者: 陳嵩季
Sung-Chi Chen
Ming-Chuen Chuang
關鍵字: 設計框架;科幻媒材;關聯詞彙;意象轉化;造形原理;感知原理;design framework;science fiction media;association words;image transformation;form theory;perception theory
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 西方所謂科幻(science fiction),為科學(science)與小說(fiction)的縮辭,而中文的“科幻”則是科學與幻想的縮辭。不論是電影、小說、動畫…等不同媒材,科幻的題材經常扮演滿足人們幻想的角色,其特質也經常呼應著人類科學的發展,如對太空的探索、基因工程、交通工具的演變、虛擬實境、人型機器人或人工智慧的發展等等…。
The word “Science Fiction” (S.F.) is composed of science and fiction. Regardless of different media (movies, fiction, animation and comic) of science fiction, it often arouses the imagination of people. It also reflects the development of human science, such as space exploring, genetic technology, future transportation, virtual reality, robot and AI (artificial intelligence).
This research aimed to study the feasible design framework with a check list of form for designers to refer the concept of science fiction in their design. This framework is expected to be able to stimulate more creative concepts which match the S.F. style. We first established the framework then verified its applicability. In the verification experiment, the experimental group of this experiment is named as “S.F. media group”, which used the S.F. movie “Matrix” as the stimulation to create product concepts by following the design approach developed and proposed by this study. From previous studies, two design methods have been proved to be effective for stimulating design concept. One is the associated semantic method, which uses S.F.- associated words provided by S.F. exports to inspire design concept; the other is the image transformation method, which uses image boards of product pictures with S.F. feeling to stimulate design concept. Both of these two methods were adopted as treatments for the two control groups in this experiment.
Through comparing the design results among different groups and protocol analysis, it was verified that this framework can help designers to constructs the “perception hierarchy design framework.” In each perception hierarchy, it helps designers to generate richer and more original design concepts. The resulted design concepts were also match the S.F style better. On the other hand, the design concepts stimulated by the associated semantic method were more creative than those stimulated by the image transformation method.


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