标题: 客户抱怨事件与解释型态对客户满意度及再购意愿的影响—以企业采购为例
The Effects of Customer Complaint and Explanation on Customer Satisfaction and Repeat Purchase Intentions - The Case of B2B Business
作者: 吴钧婷
Chun-Ting Wu
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
关键字: 客户抱怨;客户满意度;再购意愿;解释型态;customer satisfaction;explanation;repeat purchase intention;customer complaint
公开日期: 2004
摘要: 销售人员在与顾客接触互动的过程中,都有可能产生服务失误的情形,而造成顾客对此产品或企业的负面感受,但是如果业者能够透过后续的服务内容来补救之前失误的情形,将有机会使得顾客由负面感受转化为满意该企业的正面感受。本研究希望藉由不同客诉解释的分析,并加以改进建议,提供企业在客诉发生的时候,除了服务补救之余,能进而提升满足顾客的服务及客户满意度。
本研究采用的是随机化区集设计(Randomized Block Design) ,主要藉由操作自变数“导致客户抱怨问题之严重性”、“解释型态”衡量依变项“客户满意度”及“再购意愿”。将解释方式分成二种:藉口与辩护,并将引发客户抱怨的问题分为二种:严重性高与严重性低,交叉2x2设计为四种情境模拟,在不同情境状况下,给予藉口或辩护类型的解释。探讨解释型态类别与造成客户抱怨发生的问题严重性对于企业客户的满意度及进一步再购意愿的影响。研究结论如下:
1. 客户抱怨发生的比例高:高达75%,在曾经提出抱怨经验的人中,采购仪器设备的产生抱怨的比例最高。
2. 客户抱怨发生的解释型态影响:辩解型态的解释会导致较高满意度及再购意愿,但当发生问题严重性高时,解释型态对于满意度的影响已不具显着性。
3. 导致客户抱怨问题之严重性高低的影响:在企业采购上,客诉事件的发生会影响客户后续的满意程度,但却不一定影响客户的采购行为。
4. 产品具有独占性的影响性:发生客诉状况下,客户对于具有独占性质产品会比一般性产品仍有较高的再购意愿。
5. 其他因素的干扰效果:女性对于辩解型态之解释有显着较高的满意程度,男性则对二种解释型态满意程度不显着。
Customers may have negative impression to a product or a company due to the misleading service from the interaction between Sales people and them. However, if proper follow-up service can be provided by the industry to counterbalance this situation, customers may change their thought to a positive idea with satisfactory. This study analyzes the explanations of various customer complaints and gives suggestions to ensure higher customer satisfaction.
Ramdomized Block Design method is used in this study. The major independent variables are problem severity and the types of explanations; the dependent variables are customer satisfaction and repeat purchase intentions. This study classifies the explanation into two types: excuse and justification, with two degrees of problem severities: high and low. Therefore, the cross two by two matrix is built to examine how explanation and problem severity affect customer satisfaction and repeat purchase intentions.
The conclusions of the study are described below:
1. About seventy-five percent of the customers have ever given complaints, and most of them are about equipment purchase.
2. Justification generally leads higher satisfactory and higher repeat purchase intention. However, with higher problem severity, the type of explation is not a factor of customer satisfaction.
3. In business purchasing, the occurance of customer complants would affect the succeeding customer satisfaction, but not the repeat purchase intention.
4. Based on customer complaints have occured, customers tend to have higher repeat purchase intention to monopolize(d) products over general ones.
5. Female shows higher satisfactory with justification, while the type of explanation doesn't affect male customers.