標題: 手機相機模組交期決策支援系統之規劃與建構
Building a decision support system of CCM's delivery
作者: 沈鴻煒
Hung wei Shen
Dr. Chi Chiang
關鍵字: 決策支援系統;手機相機模組;交期;目標函數;decision support system;CCM;due date
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 科技時代的來臨,傳統的經濟模式逐漸改變,新的挑戰不斷的出現,決策管理階層必須善用創新的方法解決經營的問題.而現代化的生產模式一方面要符合客戶的需求,一方面又要能達到大量生產的經濟規模.克服這樣的挑戰可以說是現代高科技公司的高難度指標. 決策支援系統(DSS)利用電腦科技,在資料庫中建立或利用相關的資料,並通過程式的運算後提供決策者參考的資訊,減少因決策錯誤而造成損失的風險.這種方式已經成為許多現代化公司所採用的決策模,甚至在實際面對挑戰時,有了顯著的成效. CCM(手機相機模組)是現代新興產業之一,從事這項產業的相關公司也正在嘗試不同的商業模式以求在競爭的環境中早日獲得最大的商業利益.新起的事業自然有許多新的挑戰與價值觀.因此在生產交期的決策領域中,本文試圖引進決策支援系統以協助CCM事業找到準確的方向,降低交期因素影響到客戶關係的風險,減少錯誤決策所造成的企業內耗或損失.因此在研究結果部份將呈現決策支援系統所模擬之交期狀況與實際期況差異,期能為新興事業之交期預測提供一個有效的模式,建構出決策支援系統之優異功能,為決策者提供良好之決策環境.
New techniques and challenges come every day and traditional business models change frequently. Many decision managers use innovation and new ideas to solve business problems. Presently, the production plan must suit the customer requirement and obtain the economic scale. How to meet these goals is an important challenge for manufacturing companies in Taiwan. The decision support system (DSS) proposed uses database technology and simulation techniques. When it analyzes the data by a program process, it can provide the deciding manager delivery information, reducing the risk by committing to a wrong due date. Many companies need such a decision support system when they deal with customers’ requests. Cellphone camera module (CCM) is a new production assembly. The companies manufacturing CCM try different business models, hoping to achieve reasonable operating benefits. Some companies in this area face different challenges and may have different operating goals. This thesis builds a decision support system for the CCM’s delivery. I hope that it will help the CCM managers set a correct delivery date and maintain good relationship with customers.


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