Title: | 光碟片產業之供應鏈管理改善個案研究 The study of the logistics management improvement in optical medai field |
Authors: | 林殷照 YinChao Lin 李榮貴 Rong Kwei Li 管理學院工業工程與管理學程 |
Keywords: | 限制理論;拉式管理;供應商存貨管理;供應鏈管理;TOC;PULL;VMI;Supply chain management |
Issue Date: | 2006 |
Abstract: | 自從SONY與PHILIPS 發展出光碟片以來,台灣最近幾年於此領域的生產發展投入頗多的心力,也因此,台灣廠商於世界市場的佔有率也節節高昇至高達七成的佔有率。然而,以目前台灣的光碟產業在無自有品牌且以代工為主( 涵蓋世界主要品牌如 Sony, Verbatim, Maxell, Ricoh, Philips, Mitsubishi, Imation 等皆為由台灣廠商代工)。但也因無自有品牌且以代工為主的情況之下,客戶對於服務及其自己本身庫存成本降低的考量下皆會要求廠商備貨,並以預測來要求供應廠商備料;但問題是銷售預測與實際銷售狀況永遠都是不準的,且差異頗大。所以,依賴預測來備庫存的結果是常會發生客戶要的貨品没有,但客戶不要的又庫存一堆的狀況。也因此,供應商常處於兩難的情況,備充足的庫存以想要滿足客戶的要求(做好客戶服務)但又想要僅備必要的庫存以降低庫存成本(成本下降)。本研究以限制理論為基礎,探討及運用其拉式管理於供應鏈管理及VMI的績效改善。目標為改善過去依賴客戶的預測及以每月補貨的推(PUSH)的方式改為以限制理論的拉(PULL)的方式,以實際銷售狀況來決定拉貨數量,並以增加補貨頻率的方式來改善庫存成本;最後以月庫存金額的方式來評估此改善成果。透過理論的探討與實際上的改善作為,本研究發現以拉式管理的方法確實可大幅改善庫存成本,且能滿足客戶需求,並提高企業的彈性應變能力及企業獲利。 Abstract The optical recording media industry in Taiwan had become the first place in worldwide production, after Sony and Philips developed the optical recording media in the early 90s. Although these Taiwanese optical media companies have dominated around 70% market share, they have been operating with OEM as the main business model without their own brands. All of the famous brands in the world such as Sony, Verbatim, Maxell, Ricoh, Philips, Mitsubishi, and Imation are contacting their production in Taiwan then selling to the globe. Due to the tough price competition in the market, the big brand customers always request the production suppliers to set up the warehouse close to the market to storage the products based on the customers’ forecast in order to smooth their operation and lower the cost as well. However, it is always a challenge for this operation due to the discrepancy between the forecast and real market demand. It also causes a big trouble for the suppliers, who may face the high inventory or shortage from time to time The objective of this study is to take the concept of TOC as basis to discuss the improvement through the operation of PULL management and VMI operation for the supply chain management. The target is to improve the operation based on customers’ forecast in the pass, namely by PUSH method and use the PULL method together with weekly operation instead. In addition, the inventory cost by the end of each month was calculated in order to evaluate the result. It was found that use PULL method combined with weekly operation could reduce the cost of the end inventory and satisfy the customers’ requirements as well. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77617 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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