Title: 球形全景影像在房屋仲介業者3D空間導覽之應用
The Application of Spherical Panorama Images in Real Estate's 3D Space Virtual Tour
Authors: 高吉隆
Chi-Lung Kao
Min-Jen Tsai
Keywords: 球形;全景;魚眼;空間導覽;房屋仲介;房地產;Spherical;Panorama;Fish-eye;Virtual;Real Estate
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 隨著網際網路各項技術的突破,大家對網站內容的需求和期待也提高許多,近年來,在網際網路線路頻寬上限增加的情形下,大家對於利用多媒體內容來獲得訊息的需求也增加不少。在各項多媒體內容中,預先拍攝好的全景影像可以將空間實景呈現在網際網路上,此種全景影像經常使用在空間實景的導覽系統上,尤其是在房屋銷售上更是讓買家可以在網際網路上輕鬆看屋,因此,如何製作全景影像成為一個重要的研究方向,本篇文章針對製作過程的方便性和接合影像的準確性兩方面分別討論。 在製作過程中,為了簡化製作全景的拍攝過程,使用了183度魚眼廣角鏡頭擷取更廣的角度,一張全景影像只需拍攝二張影像就可以將360度的環場影像擷取下來。而且,使用了以鏡頭為旋轉中心的定位雲台就可以避開旋轉中心位置的拍攝死角。 在接合影像中,為了增加結合影像的準確度,使用了手動即時調整方式,只要改變圓形魚眼影像的擷取位置,立即可以觀看其交界處的改變。而且,為了將每次拍攝時都能獲得固定的拍攝角度,使用了可以固定角度拍攝的定位雲台,因此只要初次手動調整魚眼影像擷取位置,就可以維持影像銜接的穩定品質。 總而言之,使用183度魚眼廣角鏡頭、以鏡頭為旋轉中心的定位雲台和將廣角影像轉換成球形全景影像的製作軟體,就可以方便地將某空間各角度的影像擷取至球形全景影像,完整的製作過程可以變得相當簡易及平順,並且基於本研究所製作的房地產實例也證實了本研究的實用性。
Due to many new technology inventions for the Internet, everyone could enhance the website content along with the high expectation of the application usage. Since the Internet communication speed and bandwidth increases daily, it enables users to request the multimedia content to obtain the information. Among different multimedia format, the pre-recorded panorama images could present the real-life spatial scenery of the real estate on the Internet and allow the potential buyers to surf the details. Therefore, how to generate a good panorama images becomes an important topic. This study discusses the following two aspects: the convenience of creating panorama image processes and the accuracy of assembling images. During the creating panorama image processes, this study used the 183 degree fish-eye lens to catch up a broader view of the image and simplify the photographing process since a spherical panorama image only need two images for the complete view. Moreover, we used the rotation tripod to locate the lens at the center of rotation in order to avoid the dead angle at the center of the rotation position. In assembling process, we adjusted the images manually in order to keep the accuracy of jointed images. By changing the position of the fish-eye images, it immediately displays the seam change among the joint location. In addition, we used the rotation tripod to remain at the fixed angle position to shoot images and the image quality can be preserved for the assembling process. In summary, we used the following tools during this study: 183 degree fish-eye lens, the rotation tripod which takes the lens as the center of rotation and the self-developed software which can transform the fish eye image to the spherical panorama images. The whole spherical panorama images can then be created seamlessly and conveniently for the real estate usage on the Internet and some case studies are shown in this thesis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis