標題: 台灣無線區域網路IC設計公司之競合策略
The Co-opetition Strategy of Taiwanese WLAN IC Design Houses
作者: 陳楹琤
Ying-Cheng Chen
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 無線區域網路;競合策略;WLAN;Co-opetition
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 台灣IC設計業迄今已成為全球第二大,而台灣目前最具競爭力的IC設計公司多數集中在個人電腦的周邊領域或是消費性電子領域,根據2003年IC Insights的統計資料顯示,台灣的IC設計公司只有聯發科一家擠進全球十大IC設計公司之列,而在2002年列居前十大的威盛已經被擠出十大排行榜,可見產業競爭之激烈。 近年來IEEE 802.11系列標的無線區域網路 (Wireless Local Area Network, WLAN) 蓬勃發展,WLAN設備銷售與使用者數目每年都高度成長。在2001年全球將近有五十WLAN IC設計公司,但是迄今能夠存活下來的屈指可數。2004年全球WLAN產品近九成是由台灣地區或是台灣廠商所製造,而掌握晶片貨源是WLAN廠商的關鍵成功因素,本文探討WLAN IC設計公司應該採取何種策略才能在競爭激烈的產業中生存? 1996年Adam M. Brandemburger與Barry J. Nalebuff提出競合策略(Co-opetition),本研究以競合策略的PARTS模型作為理論基礎,將Professor Porter在「競爭策略」所提出的五力分析轉化成為以價值創造為策略導向。以台灣無線區域網路IC設計公司為研究的對象,透過專家訪談探討企業面對供應商、互補者、競爭者及顧客所採取的策略運用。 本研究提供一個運用競合策略分析台灣WLAN IC設計產業的實際案例,有系統地歸納現行台灣無線區域網路IC設計公司之優劣勢,以及所面臨的機會與威脅;藉由競合策略的觀點,分析台灣無線區域網路IC設計公司的經營策略,希望提供廠商在擬訂策略時之參考;最後亦針對競合策略提出修正的PARTS模型,以作為其他學者日後研究之參考。
The revenue of Taiwan’s IC design industry has become the second largest in the world. Most Taiwanese IC design houses focus their products in computer peripheral and consumer electronics markets. According to the statistic from IC Insights in 2003, MediaTek was the only Taiwanese IC design house that ranked top 10 in the world. However, VIA, one of the top ten in 2002, was pushed out of this list in 2003. This fact demonstrates the bloody competition this industry is facing. The worldwide WLAN market has been booming due to the popularity of IEEE 802.11 standards. There were around 50 WLAN IC design houses all over the world in 2001. Only few of them have survived in 2004. In 2004, about 90% of WLAN devices were manufactured in Taiwan or by Taiwanese manufacturers. Securing the supply of WLAN chipset is the key success factor to WLAN end product manufacturers. The purpose of this study is to research the competitive strategy of WLAN IC design houses. This study used the model of PARTS from the “Co-opetition” theory proposed by Adam M. Brandemburger and Barry J. Nalebuff in 1996. Based on inputs from interviews with industry leaders and available business reports, the strategies to deal with suppliers, competitors, customers and cooperators were discussed. The co-opetition theory was also used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Taiwan’s WLAN IC design industry. This study used Taiwan WLAN industry as a target to apply co-competition. We analyzed the strenth/weakness and potential opportunity/threat of Taiwan IC design houses in this market. By using co-competition, we hope that our analysis can offer business strategies for current players as well as later comers. Finally a modified model was also proposed for future study.


  1. 552501.pdf

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