標題: 建構施工安全管理模式於高科技廠房鋼構工程之應用
The Applications of Constructing Safety Management Model on Steel Structure Construction in High-Tech Factory
作者: 潘正善
Cheng-Shan Pan
Dr.Chun-Sung Chen
關鍵字: 職業安全衛生管理系統;高科技廠房;風險管理;過程模式;Professional safety and hygiene management system;high-tech production facilities;risk management;Process-control model
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 由於我國科技產業近年來突飛猛進,在政府機關有計畫性的推動與扶植下,相關科學園區也是廠家林立。然而科技產業特徵是:產品壽命期短,大量資金集中;廠務內各類設備界面複雜。廠房在建廠、擴廠時需趕工才能因應業主市場生產需求,又另由於業主及各工程平行包商未積極整合安全衛生管理,而造成高科技廠房於建造中,職災有明顯上升趨勢;國內一家面板廠建廠二年內造成七人死亡,更創下工程界工安不良的新紀錄。 另外依據相關參考文獻顯示高科技廠房主結構,以SRC構造(及包含SRC、RC+SRC)之比例高達約近五成。未來科技廠房興建或擴建工程在結構工程中,鋼骨工程是將為主流結構物,原因係此結構可壓縮工期、跨度大的與抗震的等特色,並符合科技產業特性需求。然而根據行政院勞工委員會重大職災統計資料,與鋼構工程相關職業災害每年皆有案例發生,其中以墜落、感電與物體倒塌居多。顯示我國營造業在施工安全管理方面,仍未達應有之水準,尚有亟待改善空間。 有鑒於此,本研究擬依據OHSAS 18001 規範,強調重視風險評估,明訂最高管理階段責任,強調管理系統整合,採用PDCA方法論並強調持續改進導向等特徵建構施工安全管理模式,另結合丁類危險性工作場所審查資料中風險評估表單,運用所建構模式與「輸入(input)-工具與技巧(tools and techniques)-輸出(output)」之過程來描述風險管理模式之各階段所產出文件。本研究以高科技廠房之鋼構工程實際案例說明該模式之可行性,期望提供對興建科技廠房鋼構工程,能於施工前先評估出潛在風險,設定可行安衛目標與管理方案,持續改進安全績效,降低災害之發生率。
In recent years, the local high tech industry has been flourishing under the government promotion and support, as related scientific parks are popping up at a rapid pace. Certain characteristics of the build-up of high-tech production facilities include short product cycle, huge amounts of capital expenditures and complex equipment for the production facilities. In the course of construction and/or expansion of such production facilities, jobs are often rushed to meet the ever-changing demands of the owner, resulting in potential risk. In addition, owners and the construction firms are often not aggressive or proactive in the management of safety and hygiene, leading to an increase in fatalities from the construction of high-tech production facilities. For example, the construction of a LCD panel fab resulted in 7 deaths over 2 years, establishing a new record in terms of fatalities in the construction industry. As stated in related literature, in main structure of high-tech production facilities, SRC (including SRCand RC+SRC) structures accounts for approximately 50%. In the future, the structure still will be the main choice in the construction of high-tech factories, because stell structure meets the special requirements of the high-tech industry such as shorter construction period, larger span and better resistance to earthquakes. Therefore, steel structure engineering is imperative in the construction industry, specifically the construction and expansion of high-tech factories. However, according to the released by the Labor Bureau of the Executive Yuan, accidents related to steel structure construction occur every year. Accidental plunges, electrocution and the collapse of structure are the leading causes. These statistics inform us that in the understanding of safety management, the local industry is still lacking and behind other countries. There are many areas needed further improvements. As stated from the above observations, this research follows the regulations of OHSAS 18001, with focus on risk control, defines management responsibility emphasis integration of management systems, adapts the concept of PDCA theory, and continued to develop a safety management model. In the mean time, this research finds the risk assessment form of type D dangerous working environment required by regulations is an useful tool. Therefore, this research combine the model developed and the from required by law to explain the documents in each stage of the safety management model through an Input-Tools-Output approach. In applying the steel structure engineering used in the construction of high-tech production facilities, the main purpose is to determine the feasibility of the proposed model with an aim of providing the construction industry an opportunity to evaluate and assess potential risks related to the fabrication of high-tech production facilities. Moreover, the model hopes to set in place safety and hygiene targets and management plans to continue the improvement of safety and to lower the rate of potential disasters.
Appears in Collections:Thesis