標題: 科學推理結合雙重情境學習模式課程對國中生遺傳概念重建與推理能力提昇之影響
The Effects of Scientific Reasoning with DSLM on Middle School Students’ Conceptual Reconstruction and Reasoning Regarding Genetics
作者: 石曉芳
Hsiao-Fang Shih
Hsiao-Ching She
關鍵字: 遺傳概念;概念重建;科學推理;雙重情境學習模式;Genetic Concepts;Conceptual Reconstruction;Scientific Reasoning;DSLM
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究結合科學推理(Scientific reasoning)與雙重情境學習模式(DSLM)的理論,建構發展「遺傳」單元的學習課程,並探討不同自然科學業成就(學業成就高分組、中分組和低分組)與不同科學推理能力(具體運思前期、具體運思後期)對遺傳概念建構與改變以及科學推理能力提升的影響。 研究採用實驗研究法之準實驗設計,研究對象為國中一年級學生共三班98人,以六週的時間進行「遺傳」單元的教學。第一部分以遺傳單元成就測驗、科學推理測驗與主題相依推理測驗的前測、後測和追蹤測三次測驗結果,各自進行重複量數分析(repeated measure)以比較不同分組的學生在概念重建及運用科學推理的差異情形。第二部分選取18名學生在教學前、教學後、教學結束後五週進行晤談,使用語意流程圖(flow map)呈現學生的回答情形,並進行敘述性及推論性統計分析,以瞭解學生在教學前、後及追蹤的概念改變情形與解釋理由時所運用的科學推理層級的差異。第三部分就學生在結合推理的雙重情境學習模式課程的學習歷程,深入探討學生概念重建及推理能力進步的情形。 第一部分研究結果發現,學業成就分組對遺傳單元成就測驗、科學推理測驗和主題相依推理測驗均具有高度的正向影響。而科學推理分組僅對科學推理測驗有顯著影響。以學業分組而言,中學業成就或高學業成就的學生在遺傳單元成就測驗與主題相依推理測驗上均具有良好的學習成效,且具有一定的學習維持效果。但中學業成就學生經過教學後,其科學推理能力特別具有明顯的增進,也有一定的維持效果。就科學推理分組而言,具體運思前期的學生在經過教學之後,其推理能力能夠有明顯的增進。 第二部分針對學生的晤談分析,結果顯示在遺傳單元教學後與追蹤晤談,大部分的概念數及所有問題的正確概念分數均有明顯的增進。其次在推理層級類型上,精緻化在主題一後開始有顯著進步,辯證則在主題二以後也有顯著增加,顯示學生經過一段時間的教學後,其推理層級可以有效提升。而多數學生在概念改變量上皆呈現增加或維持,表示學生在教學後,甚至經過一段時間後都能成功達到概念改變。 第三部分就學生在結合推理的雙重情境學習模式課程的學習歷程,研究者將學習事件的回答分成閉鎖及開放式兩種。前者就學生的概念改變歷程分析結果顯示,學生在學習事件的平均成功率由54%到95%。尤其對於高學業成就或具體運思後期的學生,在教學前後呈現的概念改變更為明顯,但具體前期的學生在獲得正確概念的比例上具有增加的趨勢。而從學生的推理層級結果顯示,學生在大部分的學習事件上平均有高於80%學生是屬於進步與維持的推理層級。
The design of the curriculum was based on the Dual Situated Learning Model (DSLM) and theories of scientific reasoning. This study attempted to examine the level of academic achievement in science (high achievers, middle achievers and low achievers), and stage of scientific reasoning ability (pre-concrete operational and post-concrete operational) on middle school students’ construction of genetics-related concepts as well as on the promoting of their scientific reasoning ability. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. The subjects were 98 seventh graders which received the reasoning and DSLM curriculum of genetics for six weeks in three classes. Data analyses mainly included three parts. The first part, adopted a repeated measure method, examined the differences resulted from level of academic achievement in science and stage of scientific reasoning ability on the pre- post- and retention test scores of the Cognitive Achievement Test and the Reasoning Test of Genetics and the Scientific Reasoning Test. In the second part,18 students were selected to be interviewed before, immediate and 5 weeks after the instructional interventions. The interview transcripts were analyzed with the flow map method. The purpose of the interviews was to probe the interviewers’ conceptual change and the reasoning levels of their responding to the interview questions. The third part concerned the conceptual construction and the development of reasoning ability of the students. This was done by analyzing the data collected during the learning activities. The repeated measure results showed that students regardless of their initial levels of academic achievement in science showed a significant effect and also a superior retaining effect in the scores of the Cognitive Achievement Test and the Reasoning Test of Genetics. Students at different stages of scientific reasoning ability only showed significant effects in the scores of the Scientific Reasoning Test. The high achievers and middle achievers outperformed in the post- and retention test of the Cognitive Achievement Test and the Reasoning Test of Genetics. The middle achievers also outperformed in the post- and retention test of the Scientific Reasoning Test. Students at the pre-concrete operational stage showed improvement in the the scores of the Scientific Reasoning Test. The analyses of the interviews indicated that students had a significant improvement in the quantity of conceptual change and the scores of correct concepts in most questions. In addition, with respect to the level of reasoning, since the first topic there was an apparent improvement at the level of elaboration. The level of justification was also increased after the second topic. The above findings demonstrated that the students’ level of reasoning was promoted after a period of time. Moreover, most students’ quantity of conceptual change was increased or sustained. This meant most students had experienced a successful conceptual change after the instruction. The data collected during the learning process included closed and open-ended responses to the learning events. Analysis on the closed type responses revealed that the average successful conceptual change rate ranged from 54% to 95%. Successful conceptual change occurred more evidently in high achievers and in those at the post-concrete operational stage. However, in the students at the pre-concrete operational stage, there was a trend that the percentage of those who acquired correct scientific concepts increased. Analysis on the open-ended question indicated that in average there was a percentage higher than 80% that the students’ level of reasoning was improved or sustained.


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