Title: 結合能力指標並符合SCORM 1.3 之適性化課程系統之設計及製作
The Design and Implementation of the SCORM 1.3 Conformance and Competence Indicators-based Adaptive Learning System
Authors: 顏仲鉉
Jong-Shiuann Yan
Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 九年一貫課程;能力指標;適性學習;網路學習;SCORM;The grade 1-9 curriculum;competence indicators;adaptive learning;e-learning;SCORM
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 自教育部推行九年一貫課程標準後,明定資訊教育為一新興議題,強調資訊科技需融入各科教學,許多教師也開始製作許多電子化教材。然而由於現行教材編輯工具尚未標準化,導致所製作出來的教材互通不易,老師們無法檢索到所需之教材,而需重覆製作相同的教材。 隨著教材逐步地網路化,超連結大量地運用於教材中,並藉以安排學生的學習順序。如何提供學習者可根據自己個別的需要,自行探索與發現,藉以建立個人的學習路徑,亦為一重要的問題。 本研究之目的在於如何利用現行的網路學習標準-SCORM,建置一課程編輯工具,能將舊有的單元教材重組,設定教材的學習順序,並能匯出而成為符合SCORM標準的教材;同時透過後設資料(meat-data)的搜尋檢索單元教材,提高教材的再用性。 教材標準化為國際的趨勢,教師們在製作教材及選用編輯工具時,若能朝此一方向進行,不但可以減少重覆製作教材浪費的時間,也可以對教材製作的品質提升有所助益。本研究的貢獻在於提供一符合SCORM 1.3標準的課程編輯工具,透過視覺化的網頁操作介面,建構符合個別需求的課程架構與適性化網路學習環境。
After the ‘Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines’was announced by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the “Information Technology Education” (ITE) was defined and emphasized to integrate related curriculum subjects, teachers are asked to produce a multitude of digital teaching curriculum. However, the current format for teaching content representation has not yet been standardized which makes the teaching curriculum sharing or exchanging becomes difficulty. Thus, many teachers may often produce the same redundant curriculum due to the lacking of the content representation standardized format and sharing mechanisms. Adaptive learning and teaching are very important issues in e-learning area. Learning sequences and strategy often affect students’ learning effect. How to provide the personal learning sequences and strategy according to the individual’s need, exploration, and discovery becomes an important issue. The objective of this study is to utilize SCROM 1.3.2 standard as a curriculum creation format and representation and then implement several personal learning sequences and strategy based on the various sequence rules defined in SCORM 1.3.2 standard. Specifically, various web-based subsystems are implemented to allow digital teaching content creators to compose a SCORM 1.3.2 conformance curriculum. Also, the learning sequences and strategy based on the SCORM sequence rules are implemented to support adaptive learning and teaching. Application curriculum examples are created using the proposed web-based system and SCROM conformance test is conducted to demonstrate the applicability and feasibility for the proposed system.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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