標題: 科技園區電信經營策略-以中華電信新竹科學園區經營為例
A Study on Telecommunications Operating Strategy for Industrial Parks– e.g. Chunghwa Telecom Operating in Hsinchu Industrial Park
作者: 葉國村
楊 千
關鍵字: 經營策略;80/20法則;價值創造;VoIP產業;business strategy;80/20 principle;value creation
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 摘 要 台灣電信市場自由化完全開放競爭後,各家民營電信業者紛紛結合財團與外資,採取合縱連橫的市場購併策略,虎視眈眈積極佈局,引進更先進的電信技術以提供新穎、便捷的電信服務,拓展其市佔率。台灣素以綠色矽島著稱,新竹科學園區更是台灣的科技重鎮,竹科園區內廠商間的國內、外通信高速電路密集,營業額高,為電信自由化後各家電信業者競相爭取的特級戰區,這對原本獨家經營的中華電信,帶來無比的衝擊與挑戰。本論文乃在於探討目前市場領導者-中華電信,應如何來面對此一激烈競爭,以開創新局。 經廣泛蒐集分析各種與經營策略相關之學術理論與融合自我實務經驗,並探討電信產業未來發展趨勢,以研擬適切的科技園區電信經營策略,忝提出個人研究拙見,俾利電信經營決策者作參考。唯電信科技演進日新月異,市場競爭詭譎多變,制定電信經營策略必須因地制宜機動調整。科技園區電信經營策略乃基於80/20法則,深耕企業市場,以創造價值、達成互利共榮多贏為目標。茲謹將研究 心得摘要臚列如下: 1.技術面:創新卓越、持續領先。 2.品質面:精益求精、止於至善。 3.服務面:以客為尊、創造全方位滿意服務。 4.改善作業流程:精簡高效化、降低營運成本。 5.重視員工培育:選育用留人才、實現員工理想。 6.建立品牌優勢:打造科技服務、龍頭企業公民形象。 7.加強顧客關係管理:提升顧客滿意度和忠誠度。 8.現階段因應VoIP產業發展:積極審慎蹲好馬步、伺機而動。 關鍵詞:經營策略、80/20法則、價值創造、VoIP產業。
Ever since the opening up of Taiwan’s telecommunications market to laissez-fare competition (liberalization) the private operators have sought consolidated alliance and foreign capital, adopting vertical and horizontal integration strategy to expand network, and inducted progressive technology to provide innovative, convenient services in the grabbing of market shares. Taiwan is famous for being known as a silicon-island. Hsinchu Industrial Park has been the pivotal area. The park houses a wide spectrum of high-tech manufacturers, demanding intricate telecommunications infrastructure of huge traffic loads, including local, long-distance and international traffic that makes it a prime market of contest for telecommunications operators. Since the deregulation, ensuing unprecedented impact and challenges to the state owed monopoly Chunghwa Telecom. This study explores the issue of how the current market leader- Chunghwa Telecom might cope with the ferocious competition and further improvement for sustainable new prospect. The result of relevant theories were reviewed and analyzed in conjunction with the author’s experience and the telecommunications market’s development trend to work out a strategy appropriate for Industrial Park that may be of reference to relevant business operation decision-making. Given the rapid, ever-changing nature of telecom technology, the market is invariably precarious, thus dictating a flexible strategy mechanism able to detect and respond to minute market change. For Industrial Park ,the telecom operating is based on 80/20 principle, and recommended for entrenching the corporate sector in creating value that will benefit all parties concerned. The study arrived at the conclusion that: 1. Technical facet: strive for progressive innovation to sustain leadership. 2. Quality: continue to endeavor in fine-tuning and to the best. 3. Service: customers orientated to provide full-spectrum satisfactory services. 4. Improving of operation procedure: Retrench and simplify to efficiency, reduce operating cost. 5. Employee nurturing: cultivate promising men (talents), understand and contribute to realize employees’career aspirations. 6. Establish brand adventage: creating the citizen image of the leader of telecom industry. 7. Improving customer relationship management: promoting customer’s satisfaction and fidelity. 8. Immediate response to VoIP industry development:evaluate and prepare for timely opportunity. Keywords : business strategy, 80/20 principle, value creation, VoIP industry.