標題: 一個整合立體動畫與立體虛擬實境之空間視覺化系統
A Spatial Visualization System Integrating Stereo Animation and Stereo Virtual Reality
作者: 吳彥良
Wu, Yen-Liang
Liu, Yu-Tung
關鍵字: 電腦動畫;虛擬實境;立體視覺;空間呈現;computer animation;virtual reality;stereoscopy;spatial representation
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 綜觀整個設計呈現媒材至今的發展,立體的「動畫」與立體的「虛擬實境」已是當今設計者與大眾溝通的重要呈現媒材,設計者能將他腦中想傳達的意念想法透過這些呈現系統做更真實的呈現,觀看者亦能經由時間序列與互動回饋所呈現的影像,更進一步了解設計者的想法。本研究主要目標為建立一個具立體、即時、互動的「空間視覺化系統」,能縮短原設計者與一般大眾在設計空間溝通上的「原始落差」,以及一般大眾中,有建築設計經驗的一般設計者與沒有建築設計經驗的一般觀看者的「二次落差」。 基於上述之目標,本研究之在研究方法與步驟上主要分為「空間實驗」與「空間視覺化系統」。第一步驟「空間實驗」分「立體動畫」與「立體虛擬實境」兩個部份,受測者分「設計者」與「觀看者」,以類似口語分析之放聲思考為此實驗方法,受測者們觀看與瀏覽這兩種呈現媒材時,他們怎麼了解設計空間之「空間造型」、「空間尺度」、「空間動線」與「空間組織」,最後再經由比較分析,設計者與觀看者在這兩種媒材上所產生的原始落差現象與細微落差現象。第二步驟則是整合第一步驟所得之部份現象,提出一個具有「水平視覺範圍擴展」、「自動空間測距」、「自動空間導引」、「平、立、剖面圖介面顯示」、「自動雙眼聚合視覺呈現」與「自動視點定位」等功能的「空間視覺化系統」,最後再透過一個初步的系統測試,檢視此系統之個別功能與整體系統能否解決第一步驟之現象與系統在操作介面上的使用性問題。 空間實驗之媒材現象主要結果為畫面比例與攝影機視覺範圍會影響菱形空間之造形的誤判現象;參考物為判斷空間尺度之主要依據,但對尺度大之空間亦相對產生較大的誤差;立體視覺之固定式視差易因呈現畫面變大而放大,如沒有相對遠離呈現畫面,易引起眼睛不適之現象;動畫的運鏡轉彎越多,會增加動線的誤判,但對於動線的主動敘述性,相較於虛擬實境的自行探索,易於了解彼此空間的連結動線;視覺畫面中有較整體的空間排列線索呈現,有助於空間組織的了解。最後,基於這些「原始落差」與「二次落差」異現象,建立能整合這些落差現象之「空間視覺化系統」,其在設計實務上或對公眾展示上,能提供設計者與一般大眾一個更完整的設計空間之溝通呈現媒材。另外,這些初步媒材現象亦能提供設計者在動畫、虛擬實境與立體視覺呈現設計上的參考準則。
Media development in design representation, stereo animation and stereo virtual reality has come to an important role for designer to communicate the public. The new representational systems help the designers to express their ideas more realistically and precisely. Public laymen can further understand the designers’ ideas through the images which illustrated spatial sequences and evoked interactive feedback. The objective of this study is to create a spatial visualization system (SVS) with stereoscopy, real time and interaction. SVS can solve some original communicative gaps between the original architect and general public viewers as well as the minor communicative gaps between designers with professional backgrounds and viewers without. The methodologies and steps in this study are divided into two main parts. Step one compose the spatial experiments in two different formats: stereo animation and stereo virtual reality. The subjects are divided into designers and viewers. Subjects in the experimental method use the protocol analysis concept to narrate their cognition of how spatial form, scale, circulation and organization were understood while watching a stereo animation and browsing stereo virtual reality. Then results were then compared and analyzed in order to detect the preliminary phenomena of original communicative gaps and minor communicative gaps from designers and viewers. In step two a spatial visualization system were created based on the phenomena concluded from the pervious experiments. SVS integrates the functions of “Horizontal Visual Expanding”, “Auto Distance Detection of Scale”, “Auto Spatial Guiding”, “Plane, Elevation and Section of GUI”, “Auto Convergence of eyes”, and “Auto Viewpoint Positioning”. In the final step, SVS were tested to examine aspects which include individual function, entire performance and operative usability. In conclusion, the study investigates the preliminary phenomena from subjects watching and browsing the design spaces in order to create SVS to integrate the phenomena from stereo animation and stereo virtual reality. SVS can be applied as tool to bridge the gaps and improve precision in communications between architectural designers and general public. The phenomena offer guidelines for the designers in representing animation, virtual reality and stereoscopy.
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