標題: 國內半導體設備服務公司組織變革前後競爭優勢之個案研究
A Case Study on Competitive Advantage of a Local Semiconductor Equipment Service Company before and after Reengineering
作者: 彭秋憲
Chiou-Shian Peng
Dr. Fu-Song Lin
關鍵字: 半導體設備;競爭策略;競爭優勢;價值鍊;Semiconductor equipment;strategy;advantage;value chain
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 台灣的半導體產業已在世界上佔有舉足輕重的地位。二十餘年來,從半導體製造業延伸至上、下游及相關產業,使得IC設計、封裝、測試等產業跟著帶動起來。然而,半導體設備與技術服務產業雖然在台灣的半導體產業結構中扮演重要地位,但是台灣本土相關企業在競爭力上卻遠不如國外的設備大廠,不少本土公司在經營管理與策略執行上都還在摸索階段。 本研究從台灣本土的半導體設備服務公司中,擇一進行個案研究。該個案公司仿效同業對客戶強調「total solution」,然而,營收狀況不佳與組織及人事的異動,該公司士氣低迷,董事會也不確定公司專業經理人所採取與執行的競爭策略,是否使該公司具備競爭優勢? 本篇研究,因研究者曾任職該公司一年半的時間,從2004年11月至2006年四月,實地對該個案公司本身、客戶、競爭者及供應商進行田野調查及訪談,輔以媒體上公開的次級資料,作為研究的資料來源。 研究的方法,以Michael E. Porter的「價值鍊分析」作為本研究競爭優勢的分析工具,以個案公司組織人事異動前後,價值活動與價值鏈結的改變,對於客戶價值與企業成本的影響,以探討該企業競爭優勢的消長。 研究結果則顯示該個案公司的價值活動與價值鏈結的改變,並未明顯改善該企業的客戶價值,然而,該價值活動與價值鏈結卻從企業成本的降低,使該企業的競爭優勢得以提升。本研究並建議該產業中各企業能以「價值鍊分析」的精神與方法,檢視各自的策略、定位、資源分配與執行方法,為企業本身調整至最適的競爭策略與生存之道。
Taiwan has been playing an important role in worldwide Semiconductor Industry. In the past 20 years, Semiconductor manufacturing companies not only win their success, but also promote the related Semiconductor industries like IC design, packaging, testing, etc. In comparison, local equipment service companies have long way to go. This research is a case study of a typical semiconductor equipment service company, named “T-company”. The researcher ever worked as an employee of T-company from 2004/11 to 2006/04. So the research observed and discussed with people of this enterprise, its customers, competitors and suppliers. As to the research method, “value-chain-analysis” which provided by Michael E. Porter is employed as the analysis tool. Value activities and interrelationship changes during the process of corporate organizational changes are used to analyze competitive advantage related to customer value and corporate cost. The analysis result reveals the organizational change not obviously changed customer value but reduced the cost that improved the competitive advantage.


  1. 153401.pdf
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