Title: 基於訊息導向中介軟體之異質環境家庭自動化平台
A MOM-based Home Automation Platform in Heterogeneous Environments
Authors: 陳俊元
Chun-Yuan Chen
Shyan-Ming Yuan
Keywords: 家庭自動化;開放服務閘道器規範;訊息導向中介軟體;智慧型;家電;容錯;動態重新組態;通用即插即用;Home Automation;Heterogeneous home network;Integration;MOM;OSGi;UPnP;Smart appliance;Reconfigurable;Fault tolerant;Rule
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 近年來已有多種之可支援家電控制之家庭網路技術,如X10、UPnP、HAVi等;但採用不同家庭網路技術的家電無法互通,也無法組成進一步合作構成家庭自動化系統。目前已出現許多異質家庭網路互通性之研究;但有關異質環境之家庭自動化研究依然十分匱乏。本研究提出一家庭自動化平台;使支援不同家庭網路技術之家電得以可動態合組家庭自動化系統。異質環境下之家庭自動化系統須面對家電規範彼此不相容、難以支援事件驅動類型之自動化動作、可靠性、延展性、擴充性與重新組態之問題。本平台底層遵循開放服務閘道器規範 (Open Service Gateway Initiative),以訊息導向中介軟體作為核心整合所有家電網路。本平台以根據家庭自動化規則進行之訊息路由為方法,完成可動態組態之事件驅動類型家庭自動化;家電可動態加入或退出平台而不影響正在其他進行之自動化動作。本平台以持續性之訊息與訊息訂閱達到高可靠性,透過一對多之訊息模式與跨越子網路之訊息提供高延展性。平台本身由彼此獨立之服務合作組成,所有服務之軟體元件均可根據彼此之相依關係透過網際網路動態安裝、啟動,具備高擴充性。本平台並以基於可延伸標記語言(XML)之描述子抽象化家電服務,增加系統之彈性,減少軟體之更新需求。家庭自動化可透過本平台延展至網際網路,與網際網路服務結合,便利生活。
While there have been many home networking technologies such as INSTEON, UPnP and HAVi, appliances supporting different home networking technologies cannot collaborate to finish Home Automation (HA). Recently, many studies of interoperability among heterogeneous home networking technologies have been done, but researches on further Home Automation in heterogeneous environments are still critically lacking. This paper proposes the MOM-based Home Automation Platform (MHAP), which accomplishes event-driven Home Automation in incompatible home networks. MHAP is independent of any home networking technology and integrates home networking technologies in home gateway. For users, MHAP provides the easy-to-use and standardized way to configure complex Home Automation scenarios by rules. Through introducing Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) and Open Service Gateway Initiative (OSGi), MHAP offers reliable automatic operations, fault tolerant and reconfigurable Home Automation, high extensibility and large scalability. The large scalable collaboration in MHAP is among appliances, other MHAP gateways and Internet services such as Web Services.
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