Title: 科技產品通路商制定價格影響因素分析-以MP3隨身聽為例
An Analysis of the Determinants of High-technology Products' Distributor Selling Price - A Case Study on MP3 Player
Authors: 劉孟熙
Meng-Hsi Liu
Ying-Chan Tang
Chiun-Sin Lin
Keywords: 通路;通路商;MP3隨身聽產業;定價;迴歸分析;Channel;Distributor;MP3 player industry;Pricing;Regression Model
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 隨著時間演進與技術進步,科技產品不斷的推陳出新,也使得其產品生命週期往往較為短暫而且價格變化迅速,本研究選取科技產業中近來熱門的MP3隨身聽產品,以科技產品通路商角度切入,主要研究在眾多與價格相關的因素中,哪些為主要影響價格決策的相關因素,以期未來通路商在面臨市場上眾多的資訊以及影響因素中,能夠精確的掌握與定價最為密切相關的因素,讓制定價格時可以更加精準明確。 本研究以通路商的觀點出發,運用通路商的交易資料庫系統來做實證研究,以科技產品通路商的角度進行分析探討,以真實的交易資料,希望能找出影響價格制定的相關因素,進行在通路商角度下各變數對價格所造成影響程度及差異之比較。首先以1-way ANOVA進行各產品所對應的價格定位,將MP3隨身聽產品的價格定位區分為三項主要區間種類;一、高價位區間,又可分為高價位及較高價位;二、中價位區間,又可分為中高價位、中價位、中低價位;三、低價位區間,又可區分為低價位及較低價位。接下來以迴歸模式進行價格與八個自變數之間的關係檢驗,八個自變數為:經銷商級別、產品記憶體容量、性價比、銷售期間、銷售量、單位成本、成本率及毛利,針對八個相關變數驗証在價格上是否有顯著差異及相關性,以此結果進行分析。 實證結果顯示,八個自變數除了經銷商級別與單位售價關聯性不顯著外,其餘的七個變數與單位售價顯著相關;其中呈現正相關變動的變數為:產品記憶體容量、性價比、單位成本、成本率及毛利五個變數,而呈現負相關變動的變數為:銷售期間及銷售量。另外進行逐步迴歸檢驗,所選取的變數與迴歸模式一樣為顯著相關的七個變數,但在影響價格的變數中以單位成本最具關鍵,顯示單位成本為通路商制定價格時所應優先考慮的因素。
As time evolves and technology advances, technology products are continually improved, which makes the product life cycle shortened and the price changes swiftly. This research takes one of the popular products, MP3 players, for example. The thesis analyzes the reasons affecting the price and which main factors influence the decision of pricing with distributor’s viewpoint. Through the research, we are capable of knowing the marketing information to decide the price of a product to make it more precisely. From the viewpoints of distributors, this research applies the transaction records to conduct empirical study and with the standpoints of distributors of technology products to analyze and discuss the issue. With the authentic transaction data, the researcher made a comparison regarding the levels and difference resulted from the related factors to set up the price as well as the variables that affect the price. To begin with, this research applies 1-way ANOVA to the relative price and divides the prices of MP3 into three level, i.e. high-priced level (high-priced and higher-priced levels), middle-priced level (higher-middle, middle, and lower-middle levels), low-priced level (low and lower-priced levels). Next, the research examines the relation between the price and eight independent variables with regression model. The eight independent variables are retailer grade, memory size of products, capacity/price , selling months, sales amount, unit cost, cost ratio, and gross margin. The empirical research reveals that the relation between retailer grade and selling price is not signification. Among the variables, the positive effect variables are memory capacity of products, capacity/price, unit cost, the rate of cost, and gross profit. The negative effect variables are duration of selling and sales volume. On the other hand, the researcher conducts the stepwise regression analysis. The chosen variables are the same as the seven distinct relative variables in regression model, but the critical one in affecting the price is unit cost. This research concludes that the unit cost is the priority factor for distributor to set up price.
Appears in Collections:Thesis