標題: 台灣產業西移轉進中國隻供應鏈重置策略研究
The Strategy Of Supply Chain Transfer to China from Taiwan IT-NB Industry
作者: 鄧俊良
Robert. Chun Lian Teng
Dr. Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 供應鏈;筆記型電腦產業;資材管理;供應網路;協力聚落;供應鏈移轉;Supply chain;Notebook PC;Supply Network;Supply transfer
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 八Ο年代中國大陸執行改革開放政策,為工業先進國家提供了廣大市場以及高競爭力的生產條件,以致於全球企業蜂擁而入中國經商或設廠。台灣企業因應客戶與市場要求和強化競爭能力的雙重因素考量,也積極進入中國大陸設廠生產。雖然台灣於全球IT產業具有舉足輕重之地位(全球所使用的筆記型電腦,每10台中有7台產自台商),然而過去台灣IT產業引以為傲的彈性、快速反應、且具成本效應的供應鏈管理是否能在中國大陸繼續有效運作,成了許多台灣企業在遷移時的最大困難與挑戰。 本論文首先以藉由文獻分析彙整與專家訪談的方式,探討全球供應鏈管理對產業策略選擇之影響,並以IT產業中最大的平台產品-筆記型電腦產業中之A公司為研究對象,探討在將其主要生產基地西移到中國華東蘇州地區時,規劃移轉建置整個資材供應鏈,所遭遇的挑戰與困難作為個案進行分析與檢討。其中最主要的研究方向,即在探討不同的供應鏈建置模式決策:(1)「保守型」-中衛體系供應鏈之移殖轉移,與 (2)「開放型」-由已成型之供應聚落中,重新開發建置供應網路。 本研究結果顯示,早期台商西進中國市場初期,因協力供應聚落尚未完整形成,先鋒進入的領導企業勢必採用「保守型」模式帶領整個供應鏈移植;但後續進入之企業則可就其企業本身擁有的條件、產業、策略,就「保守型」模式與「開放型」模式做一最佳抉擇。繼行者可採行先以「擴散」方式打破原供應鏈,在華東、華南地區重新建置其供應網絡。新供應體系建置過程中,不斷的「聚焦」,揀選出能配合企業的經營目標與策略伙伴,建立策略伙伴的核心競爭力,是完善新供應體系有效方式。
In 1980’s, the economic reform policy in China results in huge consuming market and highly competitive manufacturing strength for the developed industrial countries. Consequently, many worldwide companies develop their business and establish factories in China. Taiwan’s IT companies comply with the international transition and become very aggressive to establish their manufacturing factories in China. In the past, flexibility, quick response, and low cost are the successful factors of IT industry model in Taiwan. Although Taiwan IT industry is at the leading edge of the world, the supply chain management has encountered with new challenges and impacts while transferring from Taiwan to China. The research is to investigate the transfer strategy of supply chain management from Taiwan to China by means of the case study on a computer notebook manufacturing company in Taiwan. Through the literature analysis and practician interview, we can categorize the transfer model to be two types: (1) conservative model- re-construct a center and satellite system, (2) open model- utilize and develop the existing suppliers in China. The results indicate that the pioneering companies moving to China adopt the conservative model by re-constructing new supply chain system leading to successful transfer. However, the late coming companies have the alternative of deciding the conservative model or the open model depending on the commercial environment and the company strategy. Due to the late coming companies having more suppliers, they are able to decide new strategic partners to enhance the competition in the worldwide market.


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