標題: 永續架構的實施:博仲法律事務所的個案分析
The Implementation of a Sustainable Framework: ?Winkler Partners as a case study
作者: 馬竣功
Mark McVicar
Chen Hai Ming
關鍵字: 環境;永續經營;企業文化;環境影響衡量指標;台灣;中小企業;environment;sustainable business;corporate culture;environmental metrics;Taiwan;small and medium-sized enterprises
公開日期: 2006
摘要: Traditionally, environmental and business interests are seen to be at polar odds with each other, with business leaders arguing that introducing environmentally friendly practices will drive up costs and deprive them of their competitive edge. However, events over the last several years (such as the soaring cost of energy, the scientific consensus on global warming and the introduction of strict environmental standards for goods to be imported into the EU) have caused many in the business world to step back and reflect upon the environment-business relationship.

In light of the environmental crisis, this thesis seeks to examine the efforts of a (small) medium-sized Taiwanese business to incorporate sustainability not just into its business model but to infuse it into the very framework of its operations. The business in question is Winkler Partners, a law firm based in Taipei under both Taiwan and American partnership. This thesis serves to both document the implementation of the sustainable framework and assess the firm’s preliminary efforts since the program’s inception in 2004. A survey is conducted to assess whether the framework has brought a bout a change in corporate culture (the cultural sphere), while metrics on energy and resource use are examined to gauge the success of sustainability initiatives (the physical sphere).


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