標題: 中文連接詞之研究﹕以「和」為例
A Case Study of Chinese Coordinator He
作者: 陳逸萱
Yi-xuan Chen
Jo-wang Lin
關鍵字: 連接詞;累指解;異指解;算子;conjunction;cumulative reading;distributive reading;operator
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 此篇論文主要探討中文連接詞「和」在做名詞組連接時,在句法與語意上的表現。前人的文獻對於「和」連接名詞組這方面並無太深入的研究,主要是探討對動詞組及形容詞組所得到的觀察。(請參閱 趙元任(1968),呂叔湘(1980),蔡慧瑾(2006))。因此,本論文將著重於「和」用來連接名詞組的這方面來作深入研究。 首先,本論文觀察到當一個數量詞出現於整個「和」所連接的名詞之前,我們將會得到兩種不同的語意解讀:異指解(distributive reading)和累指解(cumulative reading)。而這兩種語意解釋都是可能的解讀。 接著,本論文從語意解釋的角度下手,論證數量詞本身便帶有兩種特徵(features):「異指特徵」(distributive feature)和「累指特徵」(cumulative feature)。當數量詞與不同的特徵結合時,便會得到不同的語意解釋。若從句法解釋的角度來看,我們認為在句法結構上可能存在一個算子(operator)。當其出現或消失在句法結構上時,便會導致不同的語意解釋。 最後,在本論文中,提出語意與句法上兩種分析來解釋異指解和累指解,除了可以套用在中文「和」的名詞連接之分析上,亦可套用於英文 ‘and’ 之上。
This thesis deals with the semantic and syntactic representation in noun phrase conjunction. Previous studies have focused on verb phrase conjunction and adjective conjunction, but have not focused on the noun phrase conjunction in Chinese. (cf. Chao (1968), Lu (1980), Tsai (2006)). Therefore, this study aims to discuss noun phrase conjunction in Chinese. First, this study shows that when noun phrase conjunction occurs with a number expression, it leads to two possible readings. Second, the study proposes a semantic solution for the two different readings in noun phrase conjunction. Specifically, there are two possible features in the number expression. One is a distributive feature and the other is a cumulative feature. In other words, when the number expression is combined with different features, different readings will be derived. Third, this study also proposes a syntactic analysis of the different readings. It is proposed that there may be an operator in syntax, and the different readings result from the presence or absence of this operator. Finally, this study aims to propose a semantic solution and a syntactic solution for distributive and cumulative reading. This can apply to both Chinese he and English and in noun phrase conjunction.


  1. 551401.pdf
  2. 551402.pdf

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