Title: 張維真小提琴演奏會(含輔助文件:史特拉汶斯基作品中蒙太奇手法之演奏詮釋--以<<嬉遊曲>>為例)
Wei-Chen Chang Violin Recital(with a Supporting Paper:Montage in Igor Stravinsky's Divertimento:A Performative Interpretation)
Authors: 張維真
Wei-Chen Chang
Ting-Yuh Wu
Chien-Chang Yang
Keywords: 史特拉汶斯基;蒙太奇;嬉遊曲;Stravinsky;Montage;Divertimento
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本文以二十世紀作曲家史特拉汶斯基作品中的「斷裂」特徵為研究對象,與電影藝術「蒙太奇手法」做連結,探討作品《嬉遊曲》中蘊藏的蒙太奇技巧。藉由對史特拉汶斯基作品的斷裂特徵與蒙太奇的了解,透過作品結構的分析,試圖找出音樂上的蒙太奇效果,以貼近文本,尋求適於表現樂曲整體性之詮釋方式。
This paper studies the characteristics of discontinuity in Igor Stravinsky’s Divertimento by exploring the link between the practice of “Montage” in cinematography and Stravinsky’s discontinuous style. By a structural analysis of the piece, this paper intends to demonstrate the how the “musical Montage” in Divertimento can shed light on a better performance for the work as a whole.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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