Title: 必也「正名」乎─ 一位國中女教師追尋生命位置的敘說探究
A Self-searching Journey of a Female Junior High School Teacher
Authors: 莊詩婷
Chuang Shi Ting
Keywords: 敘說探究;代理教師;自我認同;教師認同;multiple roles;adaption
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 每個人在生命中總有著許多須扮演的角色,也因為生命情境不同所處的人生角色與生命位置也會有所不同,而筆者意識到自己的生命正面臨著必須面對各種不同位置與角色的認同與適應,並且藉由敘說自己的生命經驗故事之時,整理出了自我角色的認同問題,透過不斷的閱讀與對話,讓筆者有機會重新檢視自己角色與追尋自我生命位置。
Everyone always plays the multiple roles in life, and the roles will differ in the different life situation and phase. However, the author realized that she will face the understanding and adaption of various phases and roles. And she pointed out the issues of various roles by the description of the life experiences. The author also could review the various roles and chase the life phases by lasting reading and conversion.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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