標題: 沾筆式奈米微影進行奈米圖形化研究
Nanopatterning with Dip-Pen Nanolithography
作者: 劉皓恆
Hao-Heng Liu
Jeng-Tzong Sheu
關鍵字: 沾筆式奈米微影技術;Dip-Pen Nanolithography;MHA;ODT
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究將著重在利用沾筆式奈米微影技術進行有機分子的奈米圖形化研究。 我們將以實驗研究兩種常用來和生物分子做鍵結分子,一種是含有胺基的N-(2-aminoethyl)-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (AEAPTMS),和另一種含有羧酸基(carboxyl group,-SH)的16-mercaptohexadecanoic acid (MHA),分別研究它們在二氧化矽表面和在金表面的擴散係數和探針接觸寬度。 實驗結果得知,MHA分子再金表面的擴散非常容易,隨著相對溼度越高分子的擴散係數也越高;沉積時間越久擴散的面積也越大。AEAPTMS分子在矽氧化層表面擴散不太容易,隨著掃描速度變快線寬有些微變窄的趨勢。 利用掃描次數和設定點的控制,可以讓奈米圖案變得較明顯且完整。
This thesis emphasized on the nanopatterning of organic ink using Dip-Pen Nanolithography technique. Because of their frequently use in bioconjugation, silane molecular ink, N-(2-aminoethyl)-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (AEAPTMS) (contain amine group) and 16-mercaptohexadecanoic acid (MHA) (contain carboxyl group), were investigated for diffusion coefficients and contact widths on the surface of silicon dioxide. Based on experiments, nanopatterning capability of these two organic inks can be obtained such that applications in nanobiosensing and nanoelectronics are possible. MHA diffuse quickly on gold surface which was deposited by thermal coater with 10 nm Au/ 5nm Ti. We can well control the feature size of MHA by changing different environment relative humidity and writing speed. On the other hand, AEAPTMS is hard to diffuse on SiO2 surface, and the line width slight decreasing with faster writing speed. By controlling the repeat times of scan and set point nanopatterns of AEAPTMS can also be produced.


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