DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLi-Jung Wangen_US
dc.contributor.authorKwang-Hwa Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract物流服務提供客戶貨物流通的服務及加值服務,為多數企業將非心業務委外由專業物流處理以協助企業達成其有效率、具彈性及快速回應的競爭力。因此,物流中心為了要滿足上述的條件,除了堅強的系統外、組織管理及人力資源規劃皆是相當重要的。物流業若不能調整管理、活化組織,則人力成本即為物流業沉重的負擔。本研究針對台灣物流中心在各構面上如何應用彈性勞動人力以處理其內部多樣的作業項目中,是本研究的主要探討動機。 本研究首先對國內外相關文獻作一完整的回顧與定義評析,同時,針對物流中心特性及人力派遣特性研擬變數構面,其次,依據卡方檢定及變異數分析求得物流中心構面與人力派遣運用狀況的差異,並進一步了解因素關係物流產業在此模式上的差異。最後彙整各規模構面之物流中心運用人力派遣的現況與趨勢。 研究結果顯示物流中心在資本額規模愈高情況下,對於派遣人力運用的條件要求較高;在不同的員工人數規模下,對於派遣人力的教育訓練、績效及轉任正職皆有較顯著性差異。而在成立型態不同,派遣人力在任用單位類型亦有較顯著差異會較考慮需求性。經營類型構面下,物流中心所運用的派遣人力會以特殊性傾向較高。 本研究結果可供人力派遣業做為提供物流業應聘派遣人力作為參考,故未來物流中心實際運用派遣人力時,派遣業可視實際類型物流中心採不同之因應策略,以減少更低成本,選擇更合適人才。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractLogistics Services provider supports the value-add services and an effective cargoes flow for its client who outsources the non-core competency activities in order to emphasis its core business to get a competitive advantages and quickly response than other industries in marketing. In the same way, Logistics services providers should activate the labor flexibility, strengthen corporate strategies to meet their customer’s various requirements, otherwise, the labor cost will become a burden for the Logistics Services Provider. This study aims to discuss on How does current Logistics Services Provider applying the flexible manpower to deal with multitasks in its various business units by dispatched worker, for instance. The study firstly discusses the definition, characteristics and the histories on both logistics and dispatched work development. Secondly, it also discusses the framework of Logistics Services Provider and Human Resource Process, and the difference between Logistics Services Providers and actual status on dispatched work application which is resulted by the outcome of Chi-square test and two-way ANOVA analysis. To compile the dispatched worker status and future trend on Logistics Services Provider through each variable as a conclusion. Through the statistics survey, the study indicates that the higher capital requirement of a Logistics Services Provider requires the higher qualification of a dispatched worker. Furthermore, there is a sufficient association on employee training, performance appraisal and staff transfer for the Logistics Service Provider employees staff within a scope of 100 to 300 people. Logistics Services Provider with different background is stress on the “Demand” character for dispatched worker while recruiting. Last, Logistics Service Provider operates different business sector is centered on “Specificity” character for dispatched workers. To sum up, this thesis can be interpreted to employee dispatching industry for understanding that different dispatched worker qualification and strategy should be applied to the different requests of Logistics Services Provider. Employee dispatch industry can adopt the solution for reducing the employee and administration cost, and for selecting suitable talent for both parties.en_US
dc.subjectLogistics Services Provideren_US
dc.subjectOutsourced employeeen_US
dc.subjectThird party logisticsen_US
dc.subjectDispatched employeeen_US
dc.titleA Study on The Current Development of Dispatched Worker in Logistics Services Provideren_US