標題: 思考風格對情境錨點與學習策略之影響
The Impacts of Thinking-Style on Context Anchor and Learning Strategies
作者: 王金村
Jin-Tsuen Wang
Chuen-tsai Sun
關鍵字: 思考風格;認知錨點;錨式情境教學法;學習策略;Thinking style;Anchored instruction;Context Anchor;learning strategy
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 一套網路式學習系統可以同時提供不同的學習者運用不同的學習策略與不同的操作進度來進行個別的學習。由於學習者的個人特質不同,往往有不同的學習結果。如果能針對個別差異適當地加以設計教材與引導,或能使學習變成一件充滿趣味與啟發的活動。



一、 思考風格與錨點註記行為有顯著相關。
二、 不同思考風格的學生對於錨點類型各有所鍾。
三、 各種性質錨點的註記行為也因風格不同而有所差異。
四、 不同思考風格的學生在引導學習模式下對學習策略選擇並無顯著相關。
五、 在引導模式下,高立法與高行政者的註記行為與其風格有相關,高司法者則否。
A Web-based Learning System can offer different learners to use with different operation progress and learning strategies at the same time. Because of the different individual attributes, there would be different results. Learning will be full of interesting and activities inspired if we consider individual differences into the design of teaching material and guide properly.
The concepts of this research consult ' Anchored Instruction '. We choose a film which a lot of cognitive, affective and skill anchors included to offer the students a vivid vision stimulates by means of a web-based program system and helps learners to understand the content of the film. Learners have leading right during the process of viewing and admire the film. They can pause the film at any time and make an ' Anchor point '. Different anchor points offer a meaningful cognitive orbit to learners. We want to find out learners of different thinking-style will focus on what kind of anchors, and then to analyze the relationship between thinking styles and cognitive concept.
The second experimental design is a guide-mode system. Teacher preserves several cognitive anchor points, observing different responses that the learners view and admire the film remembered through the anchor point note and emerges; we want to observe what kind of learning strategies will be taken by different thinking-style learners.

The result of research shows:
1. The relation between thinking style and the behavior of noting anchor points is obvious.
There is positive correlation to legislate score and note amount; but not showing in executive score and judicial score.

2. Students of different thinking-styles are interested in some critical anchor point types.
The single high executive students have apparently partiality in ‘My gains’ and ‘It’s interesting’ items. The single high judicial students do not have special partiality.

3. There are differences in noting behavior on variant anchors because of different thinking styles.
In ‘My gains’ and ‘It’s interesting’ items, The single high legislate students make more notes than single high judicial and executive students。

4. The relation between thinking style and learning strategy is independent in a guide-mode learning system.

5. In a guide-mode system, it is relevant to the noting behavior and thinking styles in high legislate and high executive students; but the high judicial students deny.


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