标题: 雙窗法用於指甲襞微血管之血流速度的分析
Analysis of Nailfold Capillary Blood Velocity by Dual-Windows Method
作者: 林恩榮
En-Jung Lin
Pei-Chen Lo
关键字: 微循環;甲襞;血流速度;microcirculation;nailfold;CBV;blood velocity
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 微循環是人體的一個重要的功能性機制並且透過顯微觀察可以顯示出人體的生理狀態。對於某些設計實驗而言,這個生理參數可以提供非常有用的資訊。本研究的目的是藉著顯微技術來開發一個可靠的方法去觀察微循環的變化與反應。雙窗法是根據動態影像來估測微血管血流速度的一種可行的方法。在本研究中我們詳細地討論影像處理方法以及闡述如何去選擇某些分析上的重要參數。最後我們將雙窗法應用在4位受測者,包括2位具有禪坐經驗者,以及2位無禪坐經驗受測者為控制組。由結果發現,實驗組的微血管血流速度較控制組的來的高。而根據血液動力學,較高的血流速度的成因是較低的血管阻力、較佳的血管彈性以及較低的血液黏滯度。因此推測長時間練習禪坐的人在微循環系統上有較好的效率表現。
Microcirculation is an important functional mechanism of human body and it reveals physiological states of the human body down to the microscopic details. It thus provides a feasible tool to characterize some control experiments. The aim of this study is to develop a reliable scheme for investigating microcirculation behavior based on microscopic image technology. Dual-windows method is particularly feasible for estimating the capillary blood velocity based on motion pictures. In the thesis, we discussed in details the methods of image processing and analysis and elucidated how to make an appropriate choice of some important parameters. Finally, we applied the proposed scheme to 4 subjects, 2 Zen-meditation practitioners and 2 control subjects. The results indicated that meditation practitioners had much higher capillary blood velocities. According to hemodynamics, higher blood velocity might be resulted from smaller blood-vessel resistance, better vessel elasticity, or low blood viscosity. Therefore we might conjecture that people who practice meditation for a long time exhibit better efficiency in their microcirculatory system.


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