標題: IEEE 802.16 OFDMA低複雜度內接收機設計
Low-Complexity Inner Receiver Design for IEEE 802.16 OFDMA Systems
作者: 丁偉家
Wei-Chia Ting
Wen-Rong Wu
關鍵字: 前置符元搜尋;載波頻率偏移;Preamble Search;CFO
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 在 IEEE 802.16e 的接收機中,前置符元搜尋(Preamble Search)對於同步是一項需要高計算複雜度的主要運算,我們提出了一個新的演算法來達到這個目標,此法在頻域上處理訊號並可避免通道響應與雜訊的干擾,並且能達到極低的計算複雜度,此法可併以解決整數載波頻率偏移(CFO)與其他相關的同步問題。除此法之外,我們還建立上下鏈的傳接機系統包括了時空碼(STC)的實現。數據分析與模擬結果證實此法效率及同步效能皆令人滿意。
In the 802.16e OFDMA receiver, a main operation in synchronization requiring high computational complexity is the preamble search. In this thesis, we propose a new algorithm to solve the problem. Our method, processing the signal in the frequency domain, is not affected by the channel response, and the computational complexity is low. Along with the method, we further propose an integer carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation method, and other related synchronization modules. Despite the proposed new algorithms, we also build transceivers for both uplink and downlink, including space-time coding (STC). Numerical analysis and simulation results verify that the proposed algorithm is efficient and the performance of the synchronization is satisfactory.


  1. 352201.pdf

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